Chapter 20

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Zach's POV:

*time skip to plane ride*

We boarded the plane and we found our seats. We were only sitting down for at least 5 minutes and Oakley has already made herself comfortable and has fallen asleep, laying against me with her head on my shoulder. She was so cute. I grabbed my headphones and listen to music.

The flight was only a four hour flight so, Oakley slept the whole way and i listened to music and watched Netflix. The plane was landing so, I decided to wake up Oakley  who was sleeping peacefully.

"Oakley, wake up." I said, shaking her gently. She just grumbled and moaned, which made me laugh. "You gotta wake up,the plane is landing."

"Just five more minutes." She whined.

"We don't have five more minutes." I said laughing at her.

"Where are we?"

"Dallas airport."

"Already? But, we just got on the plane."

"We got on four hours ago. You slept the whole time." I say to her lifting her head up so that she was looking at me. I leaned in and kissed her before we got off the plane and were with my family. 

We exited off the plane and entered the airport. I started looking for my family while Oakley was holding my right  hand. And in my left hand was my suitcase. She had her suitcase in her right hand pulling it along with her.

I spot my family waiting for us, I start to smile because my siblings are jumping up and down. I look at them and then I look at Oakley who was by my side. I smiled at her and she smiled nervously back at me.

"Don't be nervous." I said to her.

"How can I not be?" She said back, looking at me with her baby blue eyes, which were looking scared.

"It's not hard, just relax and be yourself."

"Easier said than done." She said smiling at me.

We approach my parents and siblings who attack me in a family hug. Our hug breaks away and I introduce my family to Oakley.

"Oakley, this is my mom, Myta,my little sister, Reese, And my little brother, Ryan. Mom, Reese, Ryan, this is my girlfriend, Oakley." I say pointing to each person as I said their name.

"It's nice to finally meet you; Zach has told me so much about you." My mom says to Oakley. Oakley just looks at me and smiles with her face turning red.

"It's nice to meet you too." Oakley says back smiling back at my mom who starts to walk towards Oakley to give her a hug.

"I'm hungry." Reese says out of no where and we all begin laughing.

"Well then, let's all go get something to eat." My mom suggests and we all agree.

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