Chapter 68

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Oakley's POV: (TWIN)

Dad left yesterday to go to Pennsylvania. I knew who he was going to see and I know that he didn't want to talk about it. I don't think that Tyler knew because he doesn't really know her. I don't either but Dad has talked to me about her with me when Tyler wasn't around. I knew what she liked and how she acted and everything. He even showed me a picture of her that he keeps of her in his wallet beside the picture of him and mom.

I looked out my window and onto the streets that led to anywhere we wanted to go. There was cars zooming by every once in a while. Across the street a boy was playing basketball in his driveway. He looked to be around my age and he was kinda cute. I never seen him before so, he must have just moved here.

He had dark brown, almost black hair that was curly. It sat on top his head like uncle Jack's.

I laughed as he shot the ball into the basket and he ran to grab the ball.

He caught me looking at him, so I dropped my smile really quickly. He looked up and smiled at me. He laughed and so did I. He pointed to his basketball that was in his arm. I shook my head 'yes' and I held up my pointer finger indicating that I needed a minute before I'll be down.

I changed into a pair of plain black leggings and a dark blue Nike sweatshirt. I slipped on my black Nikes that had a white check mark along the side of them.

I wasn't afraid of playing basketball in front of him because Tyler and I used to play all the time when we were like twelve.

I threw my hair up into a messy bun, and I slipped in a Nike hair and to keep my baby hairs back. I sprayed hair spray to make sure they didn't spring out of place. I already had makeup on from this morning before school.

I grabbed my phone slipping it into my hoodie and I started jogging down the steps. When I reached the bottom, I ran into Tyler.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, looking at my outfit.

"Outside." I said. He gave me a glare. "There's a new kid across the street and in going to play basketball with him."

"Not dressed like that you're not." He said looking over my outfit once again.

"Yeah I am. You can't tell me what to wear and what not to wear. You're not my dad." I walked away from him.

"Oakley Nickole!" I turned around to face him. " I may not be dad or mom but I'm in charge and I say you're not going out there and playing basketball with some random kid, dressed like that."

"Just because you're older doesn't mean that you're in charge. I'm still the same age as you and I can take care of myself. I'm not two." I walked out the door.

I immediately heard a basketball hit the backboard and bounce off the ground. I turned my head to see him.

He turned around smiling and he seen me. I smiled back. I walked over to where he was and he walked towards me. We met at the end of his driveway.

"Hi, I'm Oakley." I said.

"I'm Emmett." He smiled.

I blushed. So did he.

"Um, you wanna play?" He asked pulling the ball from out of his arm.

"Sure. I'm not any good though." He handed me the ball. I shot it and made nothing but net.

"Not any good huh?" He grabbed the ball off the ground and handed it back to me.

"Beginners luck?" I shyly said.

"No, I think you've played before and you're just not telling me."

"Okay. Okay. You've got me. I used to play with my brother when I was younger but, we kinda stopped."

I shot the ball again and it bounced off the backboard and into the net.

We continued shooting the ball into the net one after another. We were talking about random stuff.

I learned that he moved here from Carolina because his mom had a job transfer. His dad left him and his mom when he was first born because he 'couldn't take on the responsibility of taking care of a kid.'

I felt bad for him. He didn't have a father figure. I don't know what I would do without mine.

After hours of playing we stopped and I found us lying on the ground looking up at the sky. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

It was a text from Tyler telling me that I need to get home because it was getting dark out.

I leaned up off the ground so I was in a sitting position.

"I need to get home, it's getting late." I stood up as did Emmett.

We said our goodbyes and I walked across the street to my house.

"Three hours?" Tyler bombarded me as soon as I got through the door.

"Woah. Can I get through the door? Or would you like me to stand outside?" I asked moving past him.

"I just worry about you."

"Tyler! I'm not six years old. I can take care of myself. Why are you so overprotective lately?"

"I'm not overprotective."

"What?! Are you serious right now? You're not overprotective? It's just a guy. What's the problem with that?"

"Nothing. Just forget about it."

"No. Tell me. I want to know."

He walked to the kitchen and I behind him. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and took a drink while he sat down in a chair. His head was rested on his arms with his elbows on the counter.

"Tyler! Tell me!" I looked at him

"Oakley I don't know how."

"Is it something bad?"


"Then just tell me."

He took a deep breathe.

"Last night I had a dream or nightmare or whatever it was. But, I saw mom and she told me that I needed to look after you and care about you. To not let anyone hurt you."

"You really think that Emmett is gonna hurt me?"

"I don't know."

"Well I do. And he's not. I won't let him."

I started walking up the steps away from Tyler.

"I ordered pizzas for dinner." I heard him yell.

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