Chapter 31

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Oakley's POV:

*morning of the next day*

It's 3:30am and we are leaving to go back to L.A. I really want to see Jack and see how he's doing. But, I also don't want to see him because I know that I'll eventually have to tell him that my cancer has gotten worse.

I got out of Zach's bed and walked to the bathroom. I put on a pair of joggers, one of Jack's 1/5 shirts, socks, and my Nike slides. I put my hair (wig) into a messy bun and applied a little powder and foundation.

I walked back to the room and seen Zach was still asleep. Lazy. I walked to the edge of the bed and I shook him a little bit. He didn't wake up so I shook him again and said his name. He woke up after about the third time saying his name. He got up, barely awake, and grabbed a pair of his joggers and a why don't we shirt. We were basically wearing the same thing because he put on socks and a pair of slides as well.

We had all our bags packed and everything we needed ready to go. Our flight is at 5:00am and we need to be there by 4:15am so we could get through security and everything like that in time.

Zach went to go wake up his mom because she was taking us to the airport. I hated to wake her up early but she insisted on taking us. We said our goodbyes to Reese and Ryan last night. They were upset that Zach was leaving but they understood that he'd be back soon.

*timeskip To airport*

"You two be safe and look after each other." Myta said. I knew what she really meant.  Zach, take care of Oakley and give her the right care.  If only caring for me was as easy as it is to say it. I don't need to be careed for. I can care for myself.

"We will mom. I'll miss you. But we gotta go." Zach said to his mom hugging her while I stood there smiling. They released the hug and Myta gave me a hug and I hugged back.

"I love you guys." She said to us.

"We love you too. But, we gotta go. I'll be back soon." Zach said grabbing my hand and we started walking towards the waiting area.

"Flight 57. Flight 57 is ready for boarding." Was announced over the intercom, that was throughout the airport. That was our flight. Our flight back to my home and Zach's second home.

"You ready?" Zach questioned me. I grabbed my luggage and looked at him with a smile.

"As I'll ever be."


We boarded the plane and looked out the window. To be honest I was a little scared. Scared that I was gonna get even sicker than what I already am. Scared of what Jack will think. Scared of how bad of a condition Jack is in. I wonder if he's still in the hospital. I haven't talked to him in forever. I was so worried about him; he doesn't even know.

I decided to text Daniel to see how Jack was doing.

D=Daniel and O=Oakley

O= heyy.

It took Daniel about an hour to reply back. I forgot it was early in the morning. I have had so many thoughts in my head lately, I've been drowning myself with words.

D=hey. You do know it was about 5am when you texted me

O= Yeah, sorry. I was wonder how Jack was doing.

D=he's fine now. But, he misses you.

O= I miss him too.

D= Then why don't you text him?


He didn't respond and neither did I. I didn't know what to say. I don't know why I didn't text Jack. I don't know why I texted Daniel instead.

I looked over towards Zach and he was fast asleep. He had his beats on his head listening to music and his phone in his hands on his lap. I got my ear buds out of my pocket and plugged them in my phone. I turned on my music and layed my head on Zach. I guess he wasn't all the way asleep because he leaned his head ontop of mine. We still had another hour to go.

I fell fast asleep because the next thing I know, is Zach shaking me awake and we're the only people left on the plane. I took out my headphones and wrapped them around my phone and put them in my back pocket. Zach had his hand out for my to grab and I did so. We walked off the plane hand in hand. My stomach growled really loudly and I hoped no one heard but me.

"After we get our luggage, we'll get something to eat." Zach said chuckling.

"Its fine. I'm not that hungry." I said acting like I wasn't hungry but in reality, I was starving.

"Well your stomach says otherwise."

We continued walking into the airport and we waited for our luggage to arrive. We walked through the hallway thing and into the seating area. It felt like forever when our bags finally arrived. Zach called their manager about ten minutes ago so he should be getting here anytime now. We sat down in chair while we waited. I had my right leg crossed over my left leg and my head was resting on Zach's shoulder. Zach s hand was resting on my thigh and his other hand was holding his phone. He was scrolling through instagram. He was obsessed.

The ringing of Zachs phone woke me up. I hopped up really quick because it scared me a little bit.

"Hey.......yeah.....okay....she was asleep but now she's up.......Okay we're on our way." He said into his phone.

"You ready?"

"Yeah. I'm still tired though." My stomach growled again.

"Sounds like you're still hungry."

It's currently 7:30am and I'm as tired as I've ever been. I can't wait to get home; I kinda miss my bed. I miss all the guys too but, my bed mostly.

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