Chapter 51

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Jack's POV:

"No, tell me through the door." She said as I looked at my ring on my finger.

If only I could tell her through the door I would. I can't tell her like this. I need to see her, face to face. I love her too much and I don't want to ruin our relationship and how close we are.

"Oakley, this needs to be face to face. I can't say it through the door." She was silent. " Oakley, when I said I needed time, it was to only think of how I could tell you something. That something needs to be said face to face."

I heard her get up so, I got up as well. She opened her door slowly and opened it all the way. She allowed me to enter her room and she shut her door behind her.

She sat on her bed with her legs criss crossed. All I could do was look at her. She was playing with her ring.

I sat in front of her trying to get her to look at me but, all she did was look at her ring.

"Oakley?" I looked at her.

"Why did you say you needed time?" She said. I expected her to be crying but she wasn't. Her face had a blank look shown.

"I thought I needed time. And I told you, it was to only think about something I needed to tell you." I put my hand on her knee like I did when we were kids and I would comfort her.

"Then what is it? What is it that you have to tell me?" She had anger in her voice.


"Jack, don't best friends tell each other everything? Cause I always thought they did. I tell you everything."

"They do. I've had this secret for a long time. Like really long and I don't wanna hurt you by telling you."

"How long?"

I stayed silent. I didn't know how long I've kept this from her.

"Jack!" She grabbed my attention. "How long?"

"Um, ten years?" I guessed on how long it has been.

"Ten years! We've known each for a few years longer than that!"

"I know. I know." I was shocked at her reaction but I should have expected it. "I'm sorry. I really am."

"What's the secret then?"

I wanted to tell her, I really did. She already knew part of it though. I just don't know if I have the courage to tell her just yet. But, I don't know how much longer I have to tell her. I really want to tell her.

"You know part of it." Was all I could bring myself to say to her.

She was silent for a moment trying to figure out what I was talking about. "What? I know part of it?"

"Yes, Oakley. You know part of it." I stood up off her bed and walked around her room.

Her top dresser drawer wasn't shut all the way and I saw an envelope with my name on it. I looked at her and then back down at the envelope.

"Jack! No!" She jumped off her bed and ran towards me and shut the drawer quickly. She looked up at me and I down to her.

"What was that?" I slowly said.


"You're hiding something?"

"Well, it's not like you didn't hide something from me for ten years. So what's the difference with me hiding something from you."

"I'm sorry. I really am. I said I was and I am. Now,what's that?"

"I said it's nothing. And it's nothing."

"What are you hiding Oakley? I know you, you can't keep anything from me."

"Well, I thought I knew you. I guess I was wrong." She walked out the door and left me standing there.

Before I realized, she was halfway down the hallway.

"Oakley." I yelled as I came running out of her room towards her. "I'm sorry. Can we please talk about It? I'll tell you."

She turned around; she was on the verge of tears. " No, Jack. We cannot talk about it. You had the chance and you wouldn't tell me. That opportunity is gone now."

I watched as she walked down the steps and turn towards the kitchen. I ran back to her room and grabbed the envelopes. There were several. I walked  down to the kitchen which had the boys and her in it.

"What are these?" I asked as I held them up.

"Jack..." She ran toward me and tried to grab them out of my hand but I was quick enough to switch them to the other hand. "Jack, give those back. They aren't for you."

"Oh Yeah? Then why do they say Jack, Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, Clara, Mom, and ......." I stopped reading the names as I saw the last one 'Zach's future' I knew what they were now. They were letters to us from her after she passes away. I feel like such an a** now. Why did I do that?

I looked up and the boys were staring at me and the envelopes that we're in my hand.

"Oakley? What are those?" Zach asked.

"They are for you all. I wrote you all something for you to read after I pass away." She grabbed the envelopes out of my hand,this time I let her have them. She handed them out to everyone but kept Clara's, her mom's, and the one that says Zach's future. "Now , I trust you all to keep these closed until I pass away."

She looked at me and handed me mine. I wanted to know what was in it but I can't do that to her. Not after that I just told her I kept a secret from her for over ten years.

"Do you guys promise? Cause if not I'll take them back and hide them until I go." She said breaking the silence.

Everyone was shocked that she did that.

"Promise?!" She asked a little louder.

"We promise." Corbyn said.

"I want everyone to say they promise because 'we' could mean two people not all of you."

We all said "I promise" to her.

I don't know if I meant mine or not.

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