Chapter 49

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Oakley's POV:

I woke up in my bed this morning and all I could think about was those letters. I wanted to rewrite them or add more to it or just tear them up or do something to them. I forgot about them for a little while until I saw them yesterday.

I got up from my bed and walked over to my dresser and grabbed the notes out of the top drawer. I looked up into the mirror and mouthed "it's okay, you're finally happy". It's true. I was finally happy, I was happier than ever. The only thing that makes me sad was these letters. I looked down at them as I held them in front of me. I shuffles through them so I could read all the names. Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Mom, Clara, Jack. I got to Jack's and I rubbed my thumb up and down of it and seen a water droplet splat onto the envelope. It wasn't water, it was a tear. I set his a side onto my dresser then the next one was Zach's. I set his aside as well and just stared at theirs. I looked down at one of the last envelopes and it was labeled ' Zach's future girlfriend/wife'. I shuffled it to the back of the next card. 'My Boys'. They weren't my boys no more, they were my men. The o knly men in my life to go to anything for. They were always there for me.

I set the enveloped down on my dresser and exited my room. I walked to the kitchen and saw a piece of paper setting on the island.

Oakley we went to the studio to record. We'll be back around 3 or 4. Be good. <3 wdw

I checked the time on the clock that was hanging on the wall. It was almost noon. Dang, I slept for a long time.

I walked back to my room and spotted the notes as I walked through the door. I grabbed them and tore them up. As I tore, the more I screamed. I screamed so loud I think I could make a person go deaf.

I finished tearing all the envelopes up and I quickly regretted my decision on that.  I wanted to keep them so the boys could read them. Now, I guess is rewriting time.

I grabbed a my notebook that I had lying on my nightstand. I also grabbed my pens and pencils because I couldn't decide on what I wanted to writ in it with.

I started with Daniels.


Hey, Danny. This is a note from me to you.

This is a note for saying thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me through the past year. (or a little longer). Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. Thank you for being the person I could tell anything to and letting me trust you with whatever it was. I will always be grateful for that. You will forever be one of my best friends, not only a best friend but my brother. Because you're more than a friend to me. Thank you for supporting me in everything and caring for me. I've finally became happy and I'm glad that you were a part of it. You've helped me get through everything that I needed help with. Thank you for guiding me in the right directions as well. I love you, Oakley Mae <3.

Second was Jonah.


Hey, Jonah. This is a note from me to you.

Thank you. When I lost Jaxson, I never thought I would meet anybody as spontaneous as him. Then, I met you. Jax would have liked you, as well as my dad. You were always there for me when you didn't have to be. Be the best person you can be. Make me proud . Thank you for stepping up and caring for me and allowing me into your home.  I will miss you so much. We became really close and  I want to say thanks for being a big brother to me when you didn't have too. I love you, Oakley Mae <3

 I couldn't bare thinking about writing Jack or Zach's letter.


Hey, Bean. This is a note from me to you.

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