Chapter 62

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I'm Sorry for all the year skips but I have plans for this story.


*ten years later*

"You may now, kiss your bride." The priest said and I leaned in to kiss my beautiful wife.

She made me so happy and she cared and loved me. She was almost like Oakley. I say almost because nobody could ever compare to Oakley. She loved me in ways that I never thought that I could be loved. She made me smile no matter the situation. My now wife, Chloe, does all of that stuff to but not as strong as Oakley did.

I dated Chloe for five years before I deeded to ask her to marry me. We were engaged for a little over a year and here we are today. At my wedding.

We were sat at a table just for us. I stood up to make an announcement, holding onto Chloe's hand, she stood with me. Everyone looked at us.

"Today, I got to marry the person that I have loved for over six years. I knew that as soon as I saw her, I wanted to marry her. Now, she knows that there was a girl in my life before her, that tore me to pieces because she passed away. Her name was Oakley Reyes. Now, some of you here may know her and know that she cared for everyone before she cared for herself. She loved everyone and everything. But, when she passed away, she gave us each notes. She even made one for you." I looked at Chloe, handing her the letter out of my back pocket. She wiped her tears away and gently grabbed should of the letter and opened it.

She read it and started crying even more. She grabbed the Mic out of my hand and looked into the crowd. She smiled at me and I stood beside her.

"Zach told me about this girl a couple years ago and I knew she meant a lot to him. I could never and would never want to replace her in his heart. But, she wrote me a note as you all just heard. She is more than I ever thought she was." She opened the note. "This envelope was labeled 'Zach's future'. Inside was a sweet loving note that I would like all of you to hear so you all know how much this boy meant to her." She looked at me and then back to the crowd. " Dear Zach's future girl,  Hi. My name is Oakley Mae Nickole Reyes. I want you to know a little about me. I'm a seventeen year old girl with cancer. I'm so in love with Zach, it makes my stomach hurt sometimes. He was my first kiss and first love. He will for her and always be the love of my life.
I would love to watch from up above, yours and Zach's family grow throughout the years. I would love it if you would love and care for him even more then what I did. Thank you. But, also please let him be happy at all times, he's fragile." She stopped talking and wiped away her tears and I wiped away mine. She hugged me and I hugged back. The audience applauded and some had tears in their eyes.

*the next day*

I woke up beside my beautiful wife beside me. She was facing me, sleeping. I tucked her hair behind her ear and rubbed my thumb against her cheek. She batted her eyes, adjusting to the light. Her cheeks turned red and her perfect smile appeared on her face. I pecked her lips and she cuddled up against me.

"Zach?" She questioned."Is she the reason why you wanted to have a baby girl and name her Oakley?"

She raised up and looked at me.

I didn't want to lie to her. Oakley was the reason. Because I loved her so much, more than any other person in the world and that's how much I wanna love my daughter.

"Yes. But, I've always loved the name Oakley. Ever since I was young."

"Okay. I like the name."

She pecked my lips again and got out of bed entering the bathroom. I heard the shower water turn on so, I decided to go make her breakfast.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. It was a nice sized kitchen, not to big, not too small. Just perfect for the two of us.

I started making breakfast as Chloe started walking down the steps. She looked shocked and scared for some reason.

"What babe?" I walked over towards her, grabbing her hand to make sure she knew that I was there.

She raised up a pregnancy test and it had two lines written on it. She started laughing and she had tears of joy forming in her eyes. I smiled and started laughing happily as well.

"I'm going to be a dad?!" I half shouted.

"And I'm going to be a mom!" She half shouted back.

"Oh my..... wow."

"I know right!"

"I have no words."

I hugged her and finished making breakfast. I was so happy, happy that I get to have a person to call my wife and a person to call my baby.

We sat at the island eating breakfast and talking about the doctor and all that good stuff.

"So, I know it's soon but.... what about names?" I asked her.

"Umm, Oakley Nickole for a girl and... I don't know yet for a boy." She said making my smile become much bigger.

"How will you spell Nickole?"

"N-I-C-K-O-L-E. Just like Oakley did. Because she meant so much to you."

"She did mean a lot to me. Thank you."


"Because you are the only person that I know of that would willingly allow their daughter to be named after her father's first love." I pecked her on her cheek, getting up from my seat to put my dish in the sink.

The room fell silent for a moment.

"What about Zachary Dean Herron Jr. For a boy?" I turned to face her.

"Woah, I can only deal with one of those. I don't even wanna try to deal with two of you."


"I'm just kidding, I love you."

Doctors appointment: 5 months into pregnancy

We sat at the doctors, and Chloe was up on the table having the gell stuff put on her stomach. The doctors assistant used the little controller thing to rub up and down her belly.

I was standing beside her, holding her hand and we were watching the monitor. The assistant stopped right around the center of Chloe's stomach. She looked at the monitor and back at us.

"It looks like you two are having twins." She pointed at both of their heads.

"Can you tell which gender they are?" I asked.

"Well, this one up front more, looks to be a boy. The one that is slightly to the back looks to be a girl. They are fraternal twins." She was moving the controller thing around Chloe's stomach again.

I smiled down at Chloe. She was smiling back up at me. We were having twins. Boy and a girl. I get to name my baby girl Oakley Nickole and my baby boy Tyler Paxton.

~Oakley Nickole Herron and Tyler Paxton Herron~

My Best Friend's Other Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora