Chapter 7

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Jack's POV:

I walk up to her room, I look at the number on the side of it on the wall; then I look behind me and see Zach, Corbyn, Daniel, And Jonah, in that order. I finally get the courage to open up the door to reveal Oakley laying limp in a hospital bed. She looked so pale, so faint, just not herself. I was trying my hardest not to cry. I ended up crying a little.

I decided to stay with her day and night everyday until she is better. Dr. Mayfield said that she could possibly be able to get released in a few days but, it depends on her health. 

I look at my phone and see what time it is. It says 2:14am. I see my percentage at 5%.

"Crap." Is all I say.

"What?" asked Jonah.

" I know you guys are tired but could you possibly do me a favor really quick?" I asked him.

" Yeah, what up?" He said back.

" Could you go to the house grab a day or two worth of clothes and my phone charger?" I asked him beggingly. 

"Yeah, sure man." He said getting up. " I'll be back in 20 or so." 

"Thanks, I owe you."

Thirty minute later Jonah walks in with a duffle bag. I laughed at him because he knew me so well. It had three pairs of jeans, two pairs of jogger (or as Oakley would like to call them f***boy sweatpants), four t-shirts, two tanks (so I could wear to sleep), toothbrush, toothpaste, laptop, and chargers. I look at him and continue laughing.

"It's a hospital not a hotel. I'm not gonna live here." I finally say.

"Well, if she doesn't come home soon, then you will be living here." He says back and then leaves to go back to the house. The rest of the boys left earlier. It was just me and Oakley now.

I look the clock beside Oakley, setting on the stand next to her bed. It read 2:50am. I looked at Oakley, just laying still, not bothering anyone, not even herself. I stood up and walked over to her, I grabbed her hand and kissed her on the forehead.

"It'll all be okay my little oak tree, I promise. We'll get through this." I said to her knowing that she couldn't hear me. "Just you and me and we could conquer the world."

I felt a squeeze on m hand and she opened her eyes looking at me. She moved over in her bed letting me lay beside her. We always shared a bed back home. I got comfortable beside her and her head was snuggled in my chest. It was a little wierd because of all the machinary tubes hooked to her, but I didn't care. 

"I'm sorry, Jack." I heard her say, with a weak voice.

"Shh. It's okay little oak tree. I'm always with you." I say and with that she fell asleep. I fell asleep too because it was 3o'clock in the morning and I was pretty tired.

A/N: I'm sorry if this is bad. As I go along I should get better. Any suggestions you all have would help. 

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