Chapter 47

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Oakley's POV:

I fell asleep after talking to Daniel yesterday evening. I am no longer having to use the oxygen tank thing that I was on yesterday.

It is currently 8:36am and I am laying in my bed on my phone on Instagram. I decided to post a picture that was from when Jack and I were little and we held up our skateboards in front of us. I was wearing light blue denim shorts with a black shirt and a red flannel tied around my waist. My hair was thrown up into a messy bun. Jack was wearing black jeans with holes in them and a black shirt. His hair was straight at the time so he had it styled upward. I miss his old hair but I do like his curly hair.

I captioned the post: Take me back to when there were no worries in life. All we had to worry about was if we could master a new trick.

I scrolled through Instagram for a little while longer and liked some post from the boys and liked some from other people as well. I decided to get on twitter since I haven't been on in a while. I posted: Life is full of worries. Live your life to its maximum. Likes and comments came rolling in like a bowling ball rolling down a lane and exploding into the pins.

I guess Jack was up as well because he liked and replied to my posts.
Instagram post:
@ JackAveryMusic: I miss them days as well. They were worry free but in the current time the worries still aren't here.
Twitter post:
@ JackAveryMusic: Our maximum point has yet to be reached because it never will be.

Jack's comments made me smile. They always made me happy. All of the boy's comments made me happy. Jack just had a special place in my heart for making me always smile.

Zach came rushing through my bedroom door like a wild animal. startling me. He came over to me and sat on the side of my bed beside my legs and he just looked at me. He smiled really big which cause me to laugh and smile as well.

"What?" I asked as he leaned down and kissed me. "What was that for?"

"I haven't done that in a while and I missed it." He said smiling, leaning down for another kiss.

"So that's all you want." He gave me a confused look. "Only for my kisses."

His cheeks turned red, more red than what they were naturally. He kept looking at me, not saying anything.

"Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Get up, we're going somewhere."


"Get up. We're going somewhere." He slowed his speech to be sarcastic.

"I heard you the first time. Where are we going?"

"Somewhere. Bring a bathing suit and wear whatever." He said exiting my room. He closed my door carefully which confused me even more than what I already was. I'm always confused when it comes to these boys.

I got up out of my bed and walked over to my dresser. I shuffled through the top drawer trying to find a bathing suit and then I seen the letter I had written for the boys earlier. I paused what I was doing and I looked at the top one labeled 'My Boys'. I grabbed it and just stared at it. Then the next one was Jonah's, then came Daniel's, and then Corbyn, Jack, and finally Zach. When I picked up Zach's I saw 'Baby Girl' . That was Clara's letter. Oh, how much I miss her. I want to cry because I remember everything I wrote in those notes.

I heard a knock  on my door and I hurried and shoved the letters that were in my hand into the drawer. Just in time for me to shut the drawer Corbyn came walking in my room.

"Jonah wants to know if you want a bowl of cereal before we leave." He smiled at me, but also gave me a confused look.

"Umm, yeah sure. Tell him I'll be right out." I spat out quickly.

"Okay. Oh..... and uh... one more thing." He said as I waited for him to speak again. " Why did you close your dresser drawer quickly before I got in here? You're acting like you're hiding something from either me or all of us."

"Nothing, Corbyn. Don't worry about it. You'll find out soon." I walked closer to him and gave him a hug. It was one of those hugs that you'd give your brother or sister. "But, I got to finish getting ready for where ever we're going."

"Okay." He said as he walked out and shut my door.

I opened my dresser drawer and seen the notes once again. I gathered them all up in my hands one by one. In the order:

1.) My boys



4.) Corbyn

5.) Jack

6.) Zach

7.) Baby Girl (Clara)

8.) mom

9.) Zach's future girlfriend/wife

I placed them in the front right corner and covered them with a couple items of clothing. I grabbed out a maroon spaghetti strap bikini top and black bikini shorts. I closed the drawer and opened the one below it. I grabbed a black shirt and light denim shorts. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my red flannel. My clothes for today are just like from the picture from when Jack and I were younger.

I walked into my bathroom and got changed into my bathing suit first and then slipped my clothes on over top of it. I tied my flannel around my waist; I brushed my teeth and combed through my hair. It was my hair but it technically wasn't, it was still my wig. I dutch braided it into two pieces. I puled out of hairs around my face so it didn't look too bland. I grabbed my makeup bag and put on some eyeliner and mascara, making sure that they are both waterproof because we might be going swimming.

I grabbed my black vans and slipped them on.


I walked out to the kitchen to where all the boys were and they all looked at me. I walked passed them and opened up the fridge, I grabbed a can of Arizona sweet tea and took a sip of it. I placed it on the island and I hopped up beside it and took another sip. The boys were eating their breakfast and on their phones. As usual. I hopped down from the island and I went to through the cabinets and found a cookies and crème pop tart box with only on package of pop tarts in it. I grabbed the box and pulled out the package and threw the box away.

"I thought you said you wanted cereal? That's why I left the stuff out." Jonah said to me.

"Yeah, but I changed my mind." I opened up the package revealing two pop tarts.

"Girls. They change their mind every five seconds." Jack added which caused everyone to laugh.

I grabbed a half full water bottle off the counter and threw it at him. I have pretty good aim because I hit him right in the head. All the boys began to laugh even harder than what they were before. I hopped back up on the island and began eating my breakfast as we talked about random stuff.

We all finished our breakfast and we started walking out the door to get the rest of the day started.

We drove to the boy's recording studio first. They had to record for a few hours since they haven't in a while. They sounded so good. It was like heaven for my ears.

They finished recording and we all decided to go to burger king for lunch since it was close by.  I ordered a chicken sandwich and a vanilla milkshake. I wasn't really that hungry because I ate the poptart for breakfast earlier. I never really ate that much all my life. It was basically small portions because I never felt hungry and I knew I had to eat.

All the boys ordered something different and we sat at separate booths. Zach, Jack, and I at one and Jonah, Daniel, and Corbyn at the other.  Luckily, the place was empty besides the workers working. Not that we didn't enjoy the fans but, it was nice to eat a meal outside of the house and not have fans at us. We love their fans. They were all theirs because I didn't have any, except for the people that added me on Instagram because of the boys.

We finished our meals and the boys wanted to take me somewhere. They wouldn't tell me where but all I knew was that we were going somewhere to celebrate Jax's birthday Cali style instead of Pennsylvania style. Having the boys by my side was enough.

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