Chapter 22

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Jack's POV:

Oakley left this morning with Zach. I wish I would have told her sooner that I had feelings. She didn't need to find out this way. I never wanted her to find out. I always looked at her as more of a best friend, but she only looked at me like a best friend.


We were eight. Oakley was a dare-devil. She did everything she could to impress someone. We were in the backyard doing tricks.

"Oakley, no, don't do it!" I yelled to her from a distance.

"It's okay, I'll be fine." She said back.

"Just don't get hurt if you do, do it." I said as I watched her do a round-off back handspring into a back tuck. She fell out of the back tuck and landed on her ankle wrong and broke it.

"Oakley!" I said as I ran over to her. She didn't cry at all, she just looked at her ankle and laughed.

"It's broke." She said laughing.

"Why are you laughing? Doesn't it hurt?" I questioned her.

"A little but, I don't like to cry in front of people so, I'm not gonna cry." She said looking at me while I picked her up and carried her into her house that was in front of us.

We told her mom what happened and she took us to the hospital. Oakley got called into a room and the doctors put a cast on her ankle. She came out of the room and had a blue cast on with crutches under her arms.

"Why blue?" I asked her.

"It's your favorite color." She said back smiling.

I walked up to her and hugged her. Her mom hugged her too and we left the hospital to go back home.

* end of flashback*

I miss her so much. The longest I have been without her is a week. That was the week that I moved to L.A. That was the worst week of my life. I thought that moving would help me get my mind off of her but, it didn't work. I tried to not text her, and I told her that I would but I didn't want my feelings to grow more than what they are already.

I was sitting in the living room and I ended up falling asleep because Corby, Jonah, And Daniel were playing music and it didn't hype me up like it usually does because I miss Oakley.


I was standing in a field that was empty. Nothing but the trees that surrounded it. I was stuck and couldn't move. I started to hear a little girl laughing. I knew whose laugh it was. It was Oakley's. I began to see her, running around with her dog, Spencer. Spencer was an English Bulldog, who slobbered all over the place. I seen young Oakley run in front of me, about twenty feet away. She was full of energy. Her long blonde hair following her body behind her in the wind. Spencer was running behind her. This was the Oakley that I miss. The Oakley who didn't have a care in the world. The Oakley who was cancer free.

"Oakley." A voice said out of no where. I couldn't see who it was, there was no one.

"What daddy?" Young Oakley questioned.

"I miss you, I need you here with me." The voice said.

It was Oakley's dad. Oakley's dad died when we were five. He passed away from a car crash. Her brother, Jaxson, was in the car too, he was eight when he passed away.

"Oakley, don't go!" I screamed.

*End of dream*

"Dude, wake up." Jonah said shaking me awake.

"What?Why?" I said jumping up out of my chair.

"You just shouted 'Oakley, don't go'." Daniel said.

"Where do you not want her to go?" Corbyn asked.

"What? No where its fine. Don't worry about it." I told them.

"What was it?" Daniel questioned.

"Okay, fine. I had a dream about Oakley." I said back.

"No, really. I thought you had a dream about Corbyn." Jonah said sarcastically.

They all just looked at me waiting for a reply. A couple minute passed and I still haven't answered. They were still looking at me.

"Dude, just tell us. We won't tell anyone." Corbyn said.

"Okay. Oakley's dad was calling for her and said that he needed her." I answered.

"So?" Daniel asked.

"He's dead. Along with her brother." I sighed.

Daniel, Jonah, and Corbyn just looked at me in shock. They didn't know about her dad and brother. They were a mystery to them.

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