Chapter 9

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Oakley's POV:

I was released yesterday to go home. I wanted to actually go home not like the why don't we house. I was supposed to go back three days ago but, I couldn't, I was in the hospital. I need to take to Jack and Zach. Both, separately.  I walk downstairs from Zach's bed that I was laying in. I see Corbyn and Jonah in the living room and I asked them where Zach was and they both said that he went out to the mall. So, I asked them if they knew where Jack was. They pointed to outside. I walked outside and seen Jack skating on his skateboard.

" Hey." I said.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" He asked me.

"Alright I guess, but, we gotta talk."

"No we don't unless you want to."

"Jack, you know I don't like talking about stuff, but, we need to talk about what happened."

He just looked at me with a concerned look. Almost like he was gonna cry.

"Why didn't you tell me, Oakley?" He said to where I could hear the hurt in his voice.

I didn't know what to say. I looked up at him and I saw a single tear slide down his face. He tried to wipe it away before I could see but, I've already saw it. I've hurt him so much, I don't want to hurt him anymore. I don't wanna hurt Zach either.

" I don't know." Was all I could say.

"You could've told me. You tell me everything, why not this?" He said still having hurt in his voice and eyes.

" Because I knew you would come home and you would stop your career, I couldn't do that to you. I would never do that to you. I'm not gonna do that to you." I say with tears on the verge of coming down my face.

" Yes,I would come see you. Yes, I would go home for you. Yes, I would stop my career. Yes, I would do all of that for you. You know why?"

"Because I'm your best friend?"

" Yes, you're my best friend, but what you don't know is that I love you like you're my sister. I have ever since the fifth grade. I would stop everything for you. I care about you so much. I just don't understand, how long have you known?"

" The day before you left." I said mumbling.


"The day before you left." I aid again looking at him. He couldn't do nothing. I stood up from where we were at and he got up and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. He released a little, but still hugging me he whispered something, I couldn't hear him to well because I was still crying.

Now, all I gotta do is talk to Zach. Its been awhile since I've seen him, so I decided to text him.

Oakley: Hey babe.

Zach: Hey baby girl, I haven't heard from you in awhile. Are you ding okay?

Oakley: Yeah, I'm fine. Just when are you getting home?

Zach: Any minute, getting in an uber now. Why?

Oakley: We need to talk

Oakley: Nothing bad, just about stuff.

Zach: Okay.

Zach arrived tok the house and went around and said hi to everyone and gave everybody stuff that he bought for them. He bought me an entire outfit, which was really cute. I wouldn't buy it for myself but since he bought it for me, I'll wear it.

 I wouldn't buy it for myself but since he bought it for me, I'll wear it

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I thanked him for it and hugged and kissed him. I hated myself for not telling him. What hurt even more was telling him.

"So, what did you need to talk about?" He spoke after an awkward silence between us.

"Oh, umm....., I... we.... can we go to your room?" I asked him.

" Yeah." He said taking my hand and walking upstairs to his room. We reached the end of the hall where his room was. We sat on his bed facing each other. It was another awkward silence between us, he broke it by kissing me. When he kissed me out was like it was just him and I, together; no one else. He was so pure and innocent.

" I'm sorry." I finally said.

"It's okay, baby."

" No, it's not. I should have told you and Jack and everyone else but, I didn't."

" You didn't know how to and its okay."

" You keep saying it's okay but I know it's not." I said crying.

" But it is. It will be." He said hugging me.

I leaned against his chest laying down and eventually falling asleep.

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