Chapter 44

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Oakley's POV:

So, I've been in the hospital for about a week and a half and I'm ready to go home. I called my mom and told her I was in the hospital and she told me she would come. I get released this afternoon, and she has yet to come see me.

Both Zach and Jack were supposed to be back in LA by now and they wanted to stay with me even though I told them they didn't have too. I will forever have my boys by my side.


The doctor came in and gave me release forms to sign. Him and a few nurses unhooked my IV and a few other things too.

I signed them and got dressed into normal clothes. Jack went home to pack his suitcase and mine as well. He is supposed to meet us at the airport. I miss home. The only place I can call home, besides Jack's house. I'm just ready to leave the hospital.

I hope nothing happens to me anymore. I don't want to put Jack through that again, or Zach.


We met Jack at Subway in the airport because we were all hungry. Jack's mom paid for all of our lunches. I got a six inch buffalo chicken sub, Zach got a six inch chicken sub, Jack got the same thing as I did ,and Jack's mom just got cookies. She bought some extra for us and Ava and Isla too.

We sat at a booth And Jack sat with his mom and Zach sat with me.

"So Oakley, how are you feeling?" Kristin, Jack's mom asked me, taking a bite of her cookie.

"I'm feeling better. I'm sorry for all the disturbance I've put on your family over the holiday." I said looking at her and Jack. I felt Zach put his hand on my leg.

"Honey, don't ever apologize. You didn't disturb anything. Your health is the most important thing."

I smiled at her. "Thank you for the food." I looked down at my half eaten sub, taking another bite.

"You're welcome honey."

By the time we finished eating, they called out our flight number

"Flight 248. Flight 248 is now boarding." Rang through the whole building.

"Okay. I guess this is it." Kristin hugged Jack and then me and then Zach. " I love you guys. Be careful. Jack text me when you land so I know you made it there okay."

"Okay mom. I love you." Jack hugged his mom once more. "I'll call you once we land."

"Bye Kristen. I love you." I said as she hugged me again.

"Take care of the boys for me." She whispered in my ear as we let go of the hug. She caused me to laugh.

"Tell Isla I'm sorry that I didn't spend much time with her. Tell ava that I'm sorry as well. I love them both too."

"Okay. I will." She said.

We gathered our suitcases and other bags and started walking toward the hallway that led to the outside to the plane. Our tickets spontaneously sat us next to each other. I was in the middle, Zach was by the window and Jack was by the isle.

I sat down in my seat and the boys sat in theirs. We talked about what we were gonna do as soon as we get home. The boys were gonna start recording new songs and I didn't know what I was gonna do just yet. I haven't thought about it.

We took off flying and Zach was looking out the window and Jack was on his phone. I decided to listen to music. I put on my red beats that Jack got me for Christmas. I've been wanting a pair since they came out but, I never got the chance to get them. I played my music and it made me jump because my sound was turned all the way up. I turned it down really quick I looked at Jack who was laughing at me so, I punched him in the leg. I looked at Zach and he was laughing as well. I put my hand up and messed up his hair.

"Aye!" He yelled, not loud but loud enough.

"Haha. That's what you get." I chuckled.

We all laughed. The boys put on their headphone and listened to music as well. I layed my head on Zach's shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Oakley! Where are you?"

It was dark. I couldn't see a thing. I could hear a voice. It sounded different; I didn't know who it was.

"Oakley?!" The voice said again. I started walking straight still not being able to see anything. I bumped into something and fell onto the floor. I bumped into a person, not an object. I grunted as I hit the ground.

"Hello?" I said out loud still on the floor.

"Oakley?" They questioned back.

"Who's there?"

"Oakley, it's me."

"Who's me?"



"Its me."

The light flickered and I could see him. He was all grown up. He wasn't my little brother anymore. The lights continued flickering, I saw his face. I saw his face for the first time in years. Is this really what he looks like?


The lights turned on but, Jaxson was gone. Huh? Where did he go?

"Jax?" I asked her.

"I'm here sis. I always will be."

"Where'd you go?"

"I'm around. But now you need to go. You need to wake up."

"Before you go, I need to tell you something."

"What's that?"

"Happy Birthday Bubby. I love you."


I woke up to Jack nudging my arm. I looked as he had no emotion on his face.

"Oakley?" Zach said to me, which caused me to face him.

"What?" I Kept moving my head back and forth to look at each of them.

"Jaxson." Jack said to me.

"What about him?" I gave them both a confused look.

"You said 'Happy Birthday Bubby. I love you.' The only person you have ever called bubby was Jaxson." Jack said.

"I said that?"


I was speechless. I can't believe that I said that aloud. Ugh. I just want to get home.

A/N: sorry for not posting in a while. I've been extremely busy lately. Plus during this chapter my brain would stop working and I couldn't think of anything to write about. Sorry again.

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