Chapter 48

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Corbyn's POV:

All of us boys decided to take Oakley out to the beach to celebrate her little brothers birthday. Its such a shame that he couldn't be here with us. Oakley said that he would love us. But, we will never know the answer to that.

We finished eating our lunch and we all got in the car to go to the beach but Oakley doesn't know where we are going yet until we arrive there.

We had a few of our friends set up a volleyball net and a couple other games that we could play while we were there. They had other stuff like towels as well. We were all excited to show Oakley what we had planned.

We arrived at the beach and Jonah blindfolded Oakley with an extra t-shirt that was laying around in the car. Zach was in front of Oakley as she had her hands on his shoulders so he could lead her down to the beach.

They set it up greatly. There was lights streamed across the volleyball net, they had blankets laid out with cooler on the ends to kind of look like a picnic, and they had beach games throughout the sand. They had a stereo there along with an aux cord to play music. Luckily, there wasn't many people there so we basically had the beach to ourselves.

"Guys, can I look now?" Oakley said as we reached the sand.

"No, not yet." I said as I chuckled a little bit.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Cause, we said so." Daniel said.

We walked a few more steps and Jack slipped off her blindfold and Zach stepped out from in front of her to reveal everything. We stepped behind her to let her have a good look at everything. Her face was in shock. She looked speechless.

"Guys...... what is all this?" She turned around to us with a shocked look.

"Jaxson." Daniel said. "Jack told us how you all used to go out and celebrate his birthday every year. Even though its a day late, we figured we'd switch it up a little bit and celebrate his birthday California style."

"Guys....." She started to say but got interrupted by Jonah.

"Its for you Oakley." He said.

She walked towards us and we ended up in a group hug. We stayed like that for a minute or two. When we released Zach took off his shirt and sock and shoes and took off running for the ocean. We all laughed at him just because he always surprises us with his dumbness. We all took off our clothes besides our swimsuits and we all ran into the ocean.

"Who wants to toss around the football a little bit?" I asked. I got responses of 'sure', 'me', and 'yeah'.

I walked out of the ocean and walked toward the volleyball net which had the football and volleyball beside it. I grabbed the football and I walked over to the cooler to get a drink. There I grabbed a bottle of Gatorade and I took a sip of it. I tossed it down on the blanket and ran back into the water.

After we tossed the ball around a few times, we decided to step out of the water and eat a snack. We all sat down on the blankets that were laid out. We opened a few bags of chip and a ate a whole bunch of junk food. We talked about random stuff like our future and were we hope we'll end up.

"Hey, guys look." Oakley said pointing to the sky.

"Beautiful." Jonah said.

Oakley stood up and grabbed her phone off the blanket and took a picture of the sky.

"Sky's so clear when you're the view." Zach said out of no where.

We all died of laughter. Not to be rude just because of how fast Zach said that.

"Smooth." Daniel said.

"Nice one buddy." Jack said as he placed a hand on Zach's shoulder.

Oakley looked back down at Zach and picked up a seashell and threw it at him. He gasped and put his hand up to his heart to act like he was hurt. She looked at the stereo and jogged over towards it. She plugged I her phone and started playing music. The first song that came on was 'Trust Fund Baby' by us. We all jumped up and started 'dancing'. We also sang along and so did she.

"Wow, you already know all the lyrics?" I asked her.

"Yep, I'm a dedicated fan." She smiled and started dancing again.

The song stopped and another one played. She turned down the music. She grabbed the volleyball and we all got on each side of the net. We hit the ball back and forth a little bit until it got dark. And let me be the one to tell you, Oakley is good at volleyball!

We packed up all the stuff and piled it in the car. We all was squished on the way home.

When we arrived home, we all got showers and we decided to finish off the night with a movie. We let Oakley decide what movie it was and she picked Cars 3 off of Netflix. 

"Why are you such a kid?" Jonah asked her. We all laughed.

"Why are you not a kid?" She came back with quickly.

"Cause I'm nineteen?" He came back with.

"Well, if you wanna be an adult and not be a kid, then you can go somewhere else. I'm going to be a kid and enjoy the kid movie." She sarcastically said.

"Okay okay." He said as he held up his hands.

We all sat down on the couch and waited for the movie to load. Zach was sitting on one end of the couch and Oakley was next to him. I sat beside her and Jonah and Jack on the love seat and Daniel was in the recliner.

"Guys, can I tell you something?" Oakley broke the silence. We didn't give her an answer, we all just  looked at her. " I finally realized something.... I finally realized I'm kairosclerosis."

"Okay Corbyn, English please." Daniel said sarcastically.

"Kairosclerosis means the moment you finally realize your happy. And that's what I am. I'm finally happy. Thanks to you guys." She said back.

We watched the movie and we laughed at some points. During sometime, someone got popcorn and made it. Everyone was asleep besides Jonah and I. We made our way to our rooms and we fell asleep. Today was a good day.

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