Chapter 53

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Zach's POV:

I felt something.

When I kissed her today, it was different. I feel something in every kiss I give to her but this time it was different. I don't know if she felt it or not but it was there. I shook it off for now.

We are currently recording at the studio. We are goofing off and joking around and doing stupid stuff but we are recording.

We finished recording for the day and we all decided to go to Chipotle to eat lunch.

Time skip-

We got home from Chipotle with a burrito in hand for Oakley.

We walked into the house and into the kitchen. I layed the Chipotle bag on the island. The others stayed in the living room on their phones. I walked to Oakley's room to see if she was there. She wasn't. I checked my room to see if she was there. She wasn't. I checked Jack's room to see if she was there. She wasn't. I checked downstairs. She wasn't there either.

"Hey, has anybody seen Oakley anywhere?" I asked entering the living room.

"No. We came in and came right here." Corbyn said as they all looked up at me.

"I can't find her." I said back.

"Go look outside. She could be outside." Jonah suggested.

I left the living room and walked to the back yard to reveal a sleeping Oakley with her headphones in. I chuckled a little. I walked over to her and tapped her arm a little bit. She fluttered her eyes open at me and smiled.

"Hey." She giggled.

"Hey." I laughed as she sat up and took her headphones out."What were you doing out here?"

"I was tanning. Well at least trying to. It was," she looked up at the sky which cause me to do the same thing. " It was sunny earlier."

I looked back down at her and sat next to her. She looked at me, I put my hand on her cheek and kissed her. It had felt like before. There was something different about it. I just can't figure it out.

"I love you." I kissed her again.

"I love you too." She smiled and let out a giggle. "Wh y do you keep telling me that?"

"Because I do. I love you Oakley Mae Nickole Reyes."

She turned away from me, looking towards the pool. I placed my finger on her chin and turned her to face me. She looked to be sad.

"What's wrong?" I looked into her eyes.

She looked into mine. "Zach,.... I know what's happening. I can feel it."

"What are you talking about?" A confused look appeared upon my face.

"Zach, I can feel somethijng every time we kiss or hug or make contact. It's only with you though. I mean, I can feel something when I hug the others but with you it's stronger." She paused. "I think it's almost time."

"Time for what?" I knew what she was talking about. I just wanted to hear her say it for some reason.

"You know. So, what I'm gonna do is spend as much time possible as I can with you all."

"Well, there's a burrito for you from Chipotle on the island if you want it." I said busting up the sad moment. She stared to laugh.

"Yes please."

I stood up and put my hand out for her to grab to help her get off the ground. We held hands as we walked through the door and into the kitchen.

She hopped up onto the island and began eating her sandwich. I sat at the island as well but in a chair. I got on my phone and took a picture of Oakley. She was looking down at me and smiling. She was holding her food in her hand.

I posted it onto Instagram saying "My baby is so cute."

I got instant likes and comments. It's amazing how fast fans can be when we post.

I stood up out of my seat and walled a little ways away from Oakley and  logged onto the band account and took a video of us.

"Oakley!" I ran up to her. " What are you doing?" I drug out the 'you' a little bit.

"I'm eating." She took a bit out of her sandwich and she put her hand on my face and pushed me away.

"Aye." I said before the video ended.

I walked back towards her and tackled her in a hug. She started laughing. I stopped hugging her and I looked her in the eye. She was so beautiful.

"You're beautiful." I said.

"Stop." She said turning red and putting her hand on my face once again and shoving me away.

Her palm was on my lips and so I kissed it. She pulled her hand away and began eating again. I laughed because why not?

I walked to the living room and asked Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, and Jack if they wanted to go swimming and they all agreed. I went to my room and changed into a dark blue Hollister swimming trunks.

*Time skip*

We got finished swimming and we all were drying off with our towels before we walked inside.

"Guys?" Oakley said softly but loud enough for us to hear. She looked afraid as we all just stood looking at her. Her towel was held in her arms.

There was silence between all of us.

"What's up?" Jonah said breaking the silence.

"I... I need to tell you all something."
A tear slipped out from under her eyes. She wiped it away quickly. "I'm sorry for always bringing good times down. I'm really sorry for that. I told you at the beginning of me staying here that I would be a bother to you all. I know I am, no matter what you think or say."

"Oakley..." Corbyn began saying.

"You're not a bother. If you were, do you think you would still be living with us?" Daniel finished.

"When did you start thinking you were a bother?" Jack asked.

She sat down on a chair that was beside the pool. "Always."

We were silent. She's always thought she was a bother? How come I've never known? I guess I don't know as much as I thiink I do. I was shocked, all I could do was look at her. How did I not know?

"Ever since I was little. I've always felt like I was a bother." She spoke again.

"When? Like what age?" I asked.

"Five." She replied. "Jack and his family helped me a little bit. I've never really felt like I've ever belonged anywhere..... until I got here. You all made me feel like I belong."

"We love you Oakley. I'm sorry you've ever felt that way before." Jonah said.

We all gave Oakley a big hug. We stayed like that for what felt like forever.

A/N: sorry for taking forever on updating. I haven't had a lot of free time to do stuff lately.

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