Chapter 36

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Oakley's POV:

"I'm sorry but family members only."
Dr. McCall said.

"They are my family."

"Like are they related to you?"

"Yes this is my boyfriend." I said pointing to Zach. "And this is my brother." Pointing to Jack.

"Your brother can come but your boyfriend may not."

"Alright, look. They are comimg with me or I'm not going i-"

"Oakley, let Jack go. I'll be fine waiting." Zach said interrupting me.

"No. I want the both of you." I turned towards Zach and then back at the doctor.  "They are more family to me than my actual family. So, they are going in with me."

"Okay. Just follow me." Dr. McCall said as he walked through a door that led to the same hallway that I was in a few days ago.

We were led to the same room that I was in before and we all went in. I sat on the bed/ patient table. Jack sat in the extra chair that was in there and Zach stood by me and held my hand.

"So, what was that all about back there?" Jack said looking up at me as I looked down at my feet.

I could feel the stares from both Zach and Jack. "I don't know. It just made me upset that both of you couldn't come in with me."

"It's okay. At least we're here with you." Zach tried to comfort me but it didn't work. I was nervous about what the doctors would say and they could tell too.

"And since when did I become your brother?" Jack laughed at his own question which cause me to laugh.

"Um, yeah...... Yeah." We laughed at my comment and then there was a knock on the door and we became silent.

The doctor walked in and we introduced the boys to the doctor and he began writing stuff on the pieces of paper on his clipboard.

"Okay, so, if we would have known about the cancer sooner then we could've done surgery to remove it but now that it's all over..... we can't do anything to prevent it from hurting you anymore." Dr. McCall said .

"You mean killing me." I said back to him with a straight face. I could once again feel the stares from Zach and Jack.

"Pardon me?" Dr. McCall questioned.

"You said hurting me. It's not hurting me; it's killing me."

"Oakley-" Jack began to say but I interrupted him.

"No, Jack. It's killing me. Its slowly killing me." Zach began to rub his hand up and down my back to try to call me. It dis work a little bit, but not enough. "No matter what people say, it's killing me and I know that. Everyone around me knows that. We just all have to face the fact that one day..... my life is over."

I could tell that Jack was gonna cry because his eyes began to well up in tears. It just hit me that when I die, I'm not only gonna leave Jonah, Daniel, and Corbyn, but I'm also gonna leave Jack, my best friend since forever, my boyfriend since three or four months ago, and Clara, the bestest little sister anyone could ask for.

"We do have a medication that you could take to possibly help with the aching and stuff like that. That's if you want it." Dr. McCall interrupted my thoughts and brought me back to reality.

I looked up at Zach, he was still holding my hand he shook his head yes saying that I should take the medication. I then look at Jack, he's still sitting in the chair and he's nervous. I could tell because he keeps spinning his ring around and around his finger. He didn't even look at me.I looked at the doctor and he was waiting for a response.

"Yes please." I decided.

"Okay, they will be ready to pick up at your pharmacy around 3pm. You all are free to go, just set up your next appointment so we can check up on how youre doing." The doctor wrote something on his clipboard that was filled with papers and walked out of the room.

I stood uip off the bed and Jack stood up out of the chair. Zach was still holding my hand and he let go. I walked out of the room and the boys followed behind me. We reached the front desk and I set up my appointment while the boys talked.

The whole ride home was quiet. It was kind of awkward too. We finally reached the house and I wanted to know what was wrong with the boys. As soon as I was gonna say something Daniel interrupted me. I just went up to my room and looked through Twitter.

Don't ever think something is going right, cause it always goes wrong.

As soon as I tweeted that my phone blew up with likes and comments. I didn't bother responding to any of them because I was tired. I watched YouTube videos of Alex Wassabi and LaurDIY. They are my favorite Youtubers. I fell asleep watching Alex.

*few hours later*

"Oakley, wake up, we have to go get your medicine." Zach woke me up.

"Really?" I pulled the covers over my head trying to go back to bed.

Zach pulled the covers back off of me and started laughing. "Yes, really. You have to get up. That's all you do nowadays is sleep. Sleeping that much is not good for you."

"You're just jealous that I can sleep more than what you can." He leaned down and kissed me as I looked up at him.

I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to fix my hair a little bit because I know it's a mess. I looked into the mirror and I looked tired and a mess.  I just threw it up into a messy bun to just go to the pharmacy. I didn't bother to fix my makeup or anything because it didn't look any worse than what it did before. At this point I didn't care what people thought of me.

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