Chapter 57

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I got handed a letter from Zach. I didn't know what it was or anything.

It was around 9 o'clock at night and I decided to go to bed. I wanted tok go to bed, but not just yet. I wanted to read the letter before Corbyn came in to go to bed. He'll be a while considering that Zach fell asleep on him.

I grabbed the letter and walked outside to the backyard. I grabbed her skateboard and sat it against the outside wall of the house. I sat on top of it. Having my back lean against the wall.

Jack, was written on the outside. Her handwriting was so perfect.

Jacky, this is a letter from me to you.

Hey,.. I love you. Thank you for doing and being everything for me. Thanks for coming up to me in kindergarten because if not we wouldn't be friends. Thanks noodles. You're the first person I ever trusted after my dad and brother. You stepped up and became my brother. You protected me whenever I needed it and you still continue to protect me. You cared for me whenever my "parents" wouldn't. Thank you for everything. I  don't really know what to say other than this. I'll miss you. I'll come around some days to be with you. I wanna watch you from up above. I wanna watch you get married to the girl of your dreams and have children and love them like no one else in the world matters except for your family. I'll love you forever Jack Avery. Always remember, I'm still your number one fan. I love you, Oakley Mae Nickole Reyes. <3 P.S. take care of my boys for me.

"You may always be my number one fan. But, I promise you. I'll always be yours." I dropped the note in my lap and looked up at the sky.

She was up there, I could tell.

I decided to call my mom and tell her what happened because she was like a second mom to her.

"Hello?" My mom answered.

"Hey mom. I got some news...." Tears were forming in my eyes. "It's not good either."

"Jack? What happened? Are you all right? What happened?" She spoke really fast.

"I'm fine although my heart just broke a little bit."

"Jack? What happened?" I could feel her feeling sorry for me.

"Oakley. She's um.... uh.... Oakleys gone."

"What do you mean she's gone?"

"She passed away, mom." Tears were rolling down my face and I was officially a mess. "I never got to tell her, mom. She won't ever know now."

"It'll be okay." I could tell she was crying. " Jack, she's okay now. She's not in any pain no more. She's okay."

"She might be okay, but I'm not. I'll never be okay." It was silent for a moment.

"Jacky?" I heard Isla's voice say.

"Yes baby?" I wiped my tears away.

"Don't cry or I'm gonna start crying. Mommy already is and so is Daddy and Ava."

"I'm okay." For now.


I started laughing because she's so blunt. I heard her laughing too. Her laugh lit up my whole world.

"I wish I was home so I could kiss your cheeks right now." I heard a kissing noise from the other side of the phone. "I gotta go. I'll call you later. I love you guys."

"We love you too." I heard everyone say through the phone. I hung up the phone  leaned against the wall.

I opened the letter back up and just stared at it. I rested my head on the cement wall that I was already leaning against.

I looked up at the sky. There were so many stars that I haven't noticed before now. There was one that caught my eye. It sparkled and shined like a diamond in the sky.

Find light in the beautiful sea
I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I
We're like diamonds in the sky
You're a shooting star
I see a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I'm alive
We're like diamonds in the sky

I knew that we'd become one right away
Oh, right away
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes

I sang with all my heart. I was still crying.

My best friend was gone.

"Why did you give me someone to just take them away?" I was talking to whoever would listen. "Its not fair. How can you just give someone to somebody and then take them away?"

I closed my eyes and tried to breathe normally. I eventually started breathing normally and I opened my eyes.

Everything I tried to look at was blurry. It was also spinning. I stood up trying to walk back into the house. I started breathing heavy again.

I felt really dizzy and lightheaded. I took a few steps and my whole body felt like it was getting weighed down.

"Guys." I said.

Nobody came to me. I needed help. I didn't know what was going on.

"Guys!" I yelled.

Once again, nobody came.

I started walking with my best ability to. It was getting hard to.

I tripped over something and fell. I tried getting back up but something was weighing me down.

I tried to reach for my phone, it wasn't in my pocket. I guess I left it on my bed.

I'm lying on the ground unable to do anything.

I just layed there on the ground trying to breathe normally but nothing I did worked.

"Oakley?" I whispered. My eyelids got heavy like I was going to sleep.

I eventually drifted off to sleep, outside.


"Jack, I'm okay." A girl said.

I knew who it was but it sounded like a young little girl.

All I could do was hear a voice. Her voice. I couldn't see anything except for darkness.

"How?" I asked.

"Jacky, I'm fine. Don't worry about me anymore."

"How can I not worry about you? You were my best friend. Now, I don't have a best friend to live my life with."

"You had just one word wrong in that sentence. You said were. I am still your best friend. Nothing will ever change that. You have the boys to be your best friends. The world just doesn't give you one certain best friend."

I was so confused on why it was young Oakley and not older Oakley.

"I love you." I said to her.

"I love you too. Now, wake up. You just had a panic attack from getting yourself worked up from crying. Don't cry anymore. I'm alright. I promise you. You know why I promise you?"

"Because you never brake promises."
"Because I never brake promises." We said at the same time.

I heard her laugh one final time before I woke up.

Everything I saw was still spinning but it was slower. The weight was gone and I could walk now.

And just like that Oakley made everything better.

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