Chapter 2

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**Two days later**
Oakley's POV:
I landed at the airport and I immediately found Jack surrounded by fans. I just laughed when he was trying to escape them.

"OAKLEY!!!" Jack said loudly, while basically jumping on me and tackling me down to the ground.

"Jack, I can't breathe, you gotta let go." I say.

"Oakley, I've missed you so much." He says while we walk out of the airport.

**Skip to Why Don't We house**

"Guys, come her for a second, I want you all to meet someone." Jack shouts loud enough so the whole house could hear it.

Four boys come out of no where and they all just stare at me.

"Uh, hi!" I said

"Hi!" A guy with perfect hair said. "I'm Zach."

"I'm Corbyn." The blonde one said.

"I'm Jonah." The tallest one said.

"I'm Daniel." The one with a gap in his teeth which made me wanna laugh a little because I thought it made him cute.

"Guys, this is my best friend from back home, Oakley." I heard Jack say but, Zach and I just kept staring at each other.

** A couple hours later**

"Hey, Oakley, you wanna go outside and play a game?" Zach said.

"Sure." I said standing up.

We went up outside with Zach and he grabbed a skateboard. Jack taught me how to skate a long time ago when we were little.

"Jack, I can't, I'm scared." I said.

"Come on, I'll be right beside you. I won't let you fall, I won't ever let me best friend fall." Jack said smiling at me.

We were ten, at the skate park. I was scared to go down the side of it. I was the only girl there. everyone was looking at me; I'm not the one to not do something.

"Look, everyone is looking at you so now you gotta do it."  Jack paused. "The worst you could do is fall, and if you do that I'll be right there."


I got on my board that Jack bought me a couple weeks ago. I began to skate down the ramp and I got down successfully and I didn't fall. I went all the way up to the other side.

"Jack, I did it!" I said cheerfully.

"I know, I saw. I'm so proud of you!"

** End of Flashback**

"What are you thinking about?" Zach asked.

"Oh, nothing really." I said.

"I know its nothing, so tell me. You can tell me anything." He said.

"Okay, well, don't make fun of me. " I said, pausing. " I know how to skate."

"Really? How? and why would I make fun of you."

"Jack taught me when we were ten, and we never stopped skating since."


"Yeah, I guess."

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