Chapter 66

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Tyler's POV:

I got up out of my bed to my alarm going off. It was 5:30am. I hoppednin the shower and I shaved my face.

I got dressed into black pants with a white shirt that had "champion" written acrossed it in black. I wore my black high top vans for shoes.

I walked down to see Oakley in a dark army green dress with a black scarf. She wore black boots that went up to her knees.

She loved dressing up and looking cute. She was basically your average girl. Everyone liked her, she liked everyone.

"Happy Birthday." I said to her, opening up the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

She gave me the silent treatment from last night. She hasn't talked to me at all.

"Really? Even on our birthday?" I took a drink of my water.

"Yes. Even on our birthday." Her eyes were glued to her phone.

"Why are you mad at me?" I looked at her.

"I told you. I'm not mad at you, just upset with you."


She looked me in the eyes.

"Because, you lied when you could have just told us that you were going to see mom. Maybe we would have all went to go see her if you would have just said something. But, no. You wanted to go see her by yourself." She started walking away. I just stayed facing the way I was. "I only have one question though."

I turned to face the other way. She was looking back at me with a tear slipping down her face.

"How long have you lied about going somewhere when you actually went to go see mom?" She wiped her tears away.

"Oakley..." My heart broke, I didn't know what to say without her feelings getting hurt.

All I have ever wanted to do was care for her and love her and protect her. That's all that I've ever wanted. I never wanted anyone to hurt her so I was protective over her because she's my baby sister. I never realized that I could be the one that would hurt her.

She turned away and walked up the steps.

I felt so bad.

The door bell rang and I walked to get it.  Dad came rushing down the steps with presents in his hands.

"Let me get the door really quick and I will help you." I approached the door and opened it revealing Aunt Clara.

"Aunt Clara! What are you doing here?!" I hugged her and she squeezed me.

"Happy Birthday Ty!" She said kissing me on the cheek.

She's the only one that I ever let call me Ty. Whenever she said it, it felt like it meant something. But, only from her. My dad tried calling me Ty and it didn't feel right so I asked him not to.

I turned around and saw Oakley running down the steps toward Clara. Oakley jumped onto her and Clara spun her around in circles.

I guess that Oakley is happy now. I wish she would stop switching moods qand just pick one.

"Happy birthday baby!" Aunt Clara said looking at Oakley with her hands on Oakley's shoulders.

Oakley smiled and looked at me for a split second and back at aunt Clara.

"Aunt Clara..." Oakley chuckled. "I'm not a baby anymore."

"Clara!" Dad yelled coming out of the kitchen.

He tackled her in a hug, just like siblings would do if they haven't seen each other in a ling time.

"Zachy!" She hugged him back.

"You'll never stop calling me that will you?" He looked at her.

"You did that to yourself because your parents took me in. And I would have never would have met you if it wasn't for Oakley."

Oakley and I looked at each other in confusion. They must have been talking about Dads old girlfriend. The one that passed away when she was really young.

We were all sitting in the living room watching Fuller House and catching up with everyone. Oakley and I still didn't speak to each other. We opened birthday presents from Dad and Aunt Clara.

From my dad I got lots of clothes and a new phone. From Aunt Clara, I got new shoes and gift cards to taco bell and Hollister.

Oakley got a new phone and phone cases and clothes from my dad. Aunt Clara got her a new camera and more makeup. As if she doesn't have enough already.

We all ate dinner together at El' Puente. A Mexican restraunt that Oakley wanted to go to and I only agreed because I knew that if I didn't she would be even more mad at me than she already is. The whole car ride to and from there was silent besides Dad and Aunt Clara talking to each other.

When we got home, we had a cookie cake. It was basically one big chocolate chip cookie with frosting around the outside crust of it. We always got one because we both didn't like cake that much.

We all sat on the couch and watched Gardians of the Galaxy together.

"So,why haven't you two talked to each other all day?" Aunt Chloe interrupted the movie.

Oakley and I just looked at each other.

"They've been like this since yesterday morning. I had to come get them from school because Oakley got sick. And when we got home, they got into a big argument." My dad said.

Aunt Clara just looked at us both. She got up and grabbed both of our hands and took us up to the spare bedroom that she was staying in.

She sat on her bed and we sat beside her.

"Now, why have you all not talked to each other since yesterday? What happened?" Aunt Clara questioned.

I just looked at Oakley who looked back at me.

"I um.... I..." Oakley began.

"I went to go see mom and I lied about it. Oakley and Dad are upset with me because I lied about it." I interrupted Oakley.

"It's good to go see your mother, but why did you think you had to lie about it. I go and see my sister and I don't lie about it." Aunt Clara looked at me.

"You have a sister?" Oakley looked confused.

"Yes. My sister was Oakley and your dad's first love. When my sister passed away my mom didn't want me and neither did my dad so, Zach's family took me in and cared and loved for me. They did everything that my parents wouldn't. I knew that they would be good parents because of what they did to her."

"What did they do to her?" I asked.

"Well, when Oakley was little, her dad and brother passed away because of a car accident. Our mothers way of getting over that was to find someone new. She found my dad and he pushed Oakley away from our mom and our mom was okay with it. Oakley spent most of her time over at uncle Jack's house. They were best friends. In the meantime, I was born and they never let me see Oakley except for occasionally. Uncle Jack moved to L.A. to be with his band and then Oakley moved out to be with him and then met your Dad. They loved each other so much. Oakley had leukemia and passed away a little of a year later."

"Dad said that I got my name from her." Oakley said after the silence that lingered throughout the room.

"You did. Because he knew that he would love you just as much if not more than her." Aunt Clara turned her head to look at me. "And you too. He loves you guys so much. So, will you guys talk yo each other now?"

We both looked at each other and shook our head.

We walked back downstairs to see Dad asleep.

"Well, I guess that he's tired." Aunt Clara said.

We all just laughed.

Today was a good day. Oakley and I are sixteen, we got to see Aunt Clara, and Oakley and I are good with each other.

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