Chapter 32

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Zach's POV:

We got home this morning and Oakley went to her room and fell asleep. I was tired too but not as tired as her. Tomorrow is a busy day for Oakley and I. She has to go to a doctor's appointment and I have to go to the studio with the guys.


All the guys and I were in the living room watching spongebob. Oakley came down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, she came in the living room with a water bottle in her hands. She sat down with Jack on one of the big couches. I was sitting in the recliner that was beside the love-seat. Jonah and Corbyn were sharing the other big couch and Daniel was sitting by himself.

Oakley propped her feet up on Jack and layed down. She closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

"How much does that girl sleep?" Corbyn asked.

"A lot." Jack and I said simultaneously.

"You might have to have a battle with her." Daniel pronounced. "To see who can sleep the most in a week."

"Challenge accepted." Corbyn said raising his hand in the air with his pointer finger extended out.

We all laughed at him. Oakley can out sleep Corbyn. Especially now with her medicine that the doctor has put her on to help with the pain in her chest.

I don't think that she's told Jack yet because she's been asleep most of the day.

Jack's POV:

Oakley got home this morning and I could tell something was off because she went straight to her room and fell asleep. After awhile of sleeping in her room, she came downstairs and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. She propped her feet up on my legs, layed down, and fell asleep again.

I continued watching tv. Everyone busted out into laughter but I missed what they were laughing at because I was too busy thinking about Oakley.

Is she Okay?   Why is she sleeping so much?    Did something happen?

About ten minutes of her sleeping, she woke up. She just layed there and stared at the tv. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and started texting someone. My phone that was sitting on the side table beside me went off, notifying me that I had a text. I grabbed my phone and look who texted me.

Oakley Mae❤
- Hey

I replied back with a simple hey and laughing emoji since she was sitting right next me and texting me.

Oakley Mae❤
- I need to talk to you.

That scared me a little bit. She was so blunt with it. I was scared of what she was gonna say. I didn't reply back, I just waited until she texted back.

Oakley Mae❤
-Come to kitchen with me?

- Yeah.

We both got up and walked to the kitchen, which wasn't that far. She hopped up on the island like she usually does and I pulled out a chair to sit in. She fiddled with her hands a little bit and there was a silence between us. It wasn't awkward or nothing, just silent. I didn't know who was gonna break the silence first, me or her. I began to speak at first and then she spoke interuptting. We laughed at ourselves because we do that all the time.

"You go first." She said to me.

"Okay. Are you Okay? Like do you feel okay?" I asked her.

"That's what I wanna talk to you about."

She scared me. My thoughts were scaring me as well. Is she Okay? Will she be Okay? Something happened while she was away. Zach didn't tell me. I need to know what wrong with my best friend. My thoughts were always my enemy.

"What do you mean? Are you okay? What's wrong? Something happened didn't it. What happened?" I spoke so fast I didn't even understand what I was saying.

" Slow your roll. Don't talk so fast."

"Oakley! What's wrong?!" I stood up out of my chair and got in front of her. I looked at her in the yes and she looked at me. Her eyes looked sad.

"Jack......." she said and I knew it was something bad so I turned away from her. I started walking away from her. I don't know why but I did.

"I'm hurt." She said causing me to stop in my tracks. She's hurt? What does she mean hurt? "Jack, you don't understand.  No one will understand. I have more than just leukemia. It's worse than that. And it's spreading."

I turned around and walked back to her. I hugged her. I began to cry and I never cry. The last time i cried was when I had to leave Oakley to come to L.A. Now it's not me leaving, its gonna be her.

Everyone came into the kitchen and saw Oakley and I hugging. I released the hug from Oakley and wiped my tear away. I avoided eye contact with everyone and went straight to my room. She was supposed to be getting better, not worse. She won't leave me; I won't let her. She means so much to me. 

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