Chapter 40

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Oakley's POV:

It's new years eve and I'm spending it with Jack and his family. I have since I was little. As soon as I got here, Isla ran up to me and I spent time with her. That was before I fell asleep on Jack's shoulder.

I woke up and my head was on Jack's lap and my legs were sprawled out on the rest of the couch and Isla was sleeping on my legs with her head on my hip. I didn't move because I didn't want to wake her up. Jack was asleep as well. His arm was propped up on the arm of the couch and his head was resting on his arm.

I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall and it was currently 2:30pm. Since both Jack and Isla were still sleeping, I decided to try to go back to sleep since I was just gonna lay there anyways.

I was laying there for a couple minutes, not being able to fall back asleep and I heard someone enter the living room. I couldn't tell who it was. They woke Jack up and he woke me up.

"Oakley, get up, I wanna take you somewhere." He said looking down at me while I was looking up at him.

"I kinda can't move." I chuckled looking at Isla.

"Wake her up."

"No, that's mean."

"Isla Rose!" Jack yelled causing her to jumped and fall off my legs and onto the floor.

We laughed a little bit and I sat up to help her up. She stood up and walked over to Jack and punched him in his arm playfully.

"You're getting strong, Isla." Jack rubbed his arm acting like he was hurt.

"Yeah, that's right. Don't mess with me." She said back walking away. Jack and I just looked at each other with a surprised look and started laughing.

"Anyways, where did you wanna take me?" I was still laughing at what Isla said.

"It's a surprise." He said standing up and holding his hand out for me to take.

"Okay? Just let me go to the bathroom and put my shoes back on." I took his hand and stood up.

"Okay, meet me in the kitchen."

I walked to the bathroom and checked my hair, making sure that it looked alright and wasn't falling off or anything. It looked okay and I walked out going downstairs to slip on my slides. I walked into the kitchen and Jack was there talking to his mom.

"You ready?" He asked me looking away from his mom and at me.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Okay, well then let's go. Bye mom, love you." He hugged his mom and kissed her on the cheek. He grabbed his keys off the island and started walking.

He walked in front of me and I behind him. He opened the front door and held it open for me to walk forward. I walked to his car and got in the passenger side; Jack got in the driver side. He hooked his phone up to his auxiliary cord and started playing songs from his playlist. The first song that came on was 'These Girls'. He layed his phone in the cup holder and looked at me.

I just looked at him and started laughing as we pulled out of the driveway.

"What?" He laughed and started driving on the main road.


"What?" He gave me that serious face look.

"You never get tired of your own music do you?" I looked at him as he was focused on the he road.

"Just like I never get tired of you." He smiled but he was still had his eyes on the road.

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment."

He started singing and he kept looking at me wanting me to sing with him. I sang along until the song changed. It changed to a song that my dad used to sing to me when I was little. I looked out the window and I could feel that Jack was looking at me. He picked up his phone out of the cup holder to change the song. I looked at him and reached my hand over to take it out of his hands. He looked at me with confusion but let me have his phone.

"I've learned that the littlest of things shouldn't make me sad or depressed over something that has happened over ten years ago." I said looking at him.

"I just don't want to see you sad." He said looking at me for a quick second then back at the road. He was never one of those people who kept his eyes off the road for a long time. He always kept his eyes on the road.

"I'm not sad Jack. Whenever I'm with you, your family, Zach, his family, or the boys, I'm never sad. I might cry but I'm not sad."

"I love you Oakley."

"I love you too Jack. Now, can you please tell me where we are going?"

"The park."

"Why the park?"


He started singing to the music that was playing. The song changed from the one that was playing before. It was now mine and Jack's song from when we were kids. True Friend by Miley Cyrus. I started singing along with him. He smiled at me as we pulled into the parks parking lot. He pulled into a spot and we got out of the car. I ran towards the swings like I did when I was little. Jack ran after me and sat on the swing that was beside me. We started swinging and we got really high on them.

"Dare you to jump." I said to him looking to my right at him.

"You think I won't?" He looked at me with a daring look on his face.

"I think you will, that's why I dared you to."

"Then I dare you too."

"I didn't do it when I was younger, so why would I now? I didn't even jump when I was with Zach and Clara a couple months ago."

"Oakley, live a little!" He yelled as he jumped off the swing. He rolled and hit the pole to the basketball hoop.

I started laughing and until I realized he was actually hurt. He had his hand over his head and was knelt down into his lap.

"Jack!" I yelled as I hurried up and jumped off my swing and landed perfectly on my two feet and ran over to him. I knelt down in front of him and taking his hand away from his head, I saw him smile. "Are you okay? Why are you smiling?"

"You jumped." He said to me.


"You jumped off the swing because you thought I was hurt. You jumped off trying to help me even though I wasn't hurt. You were always scared of jumping off the swings and now you just jump off of them."

"Jack! Don't ever scare me like that ever again!" I slapped him in the side of the head. I stood up and walked away from him as he sat on the ground. I could feel him watching me walk away.

"You love me though!" I heard him yell from across the park. I looked around a few people were staring but, I didn't mind. Jack didn't either.

I walked towards the slides and I climbed up the steps and I sat up at the top of the slide and just waited for Jack to get there. I looked at him and he was walking over towards me, that was until a fan stopped him. He looked at me with a help me  look and I just laughed at him. He loves his fans, he really does. They just bombard him and the guys a lot.

He got done signing the fans shirt and taking LOTS of pictures with him and he continued his walked over to me.

He stopped at the bottom of the slide, just like he did when we were younger and he waited for me to slide down, but this time I never slid down. I just sat at the top of the slide.

"Why have you been telling me that you love me a lot lately?" I blurted out.

"Cause I do. And because I can."


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