Live a Little! [16]

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The bell rung signaling the end of gym, I stretch lightly while walking briskly to the locker room. In the time that I had been here I had successfully avoiding seeing any male genitalia; and no one had seen me naked. I'm usually the first person in and the last person out. I take a quick shower making sure to keep my clothes in the stall as I've seen the movies and I most definitely wasn't gonna be that one kid who gets their clothes stolen. Knowing the boys in the locker room, especially a certain albino; no one in here could be trusted.

Once I was done, I waited patiently for the others to leave. I hear the door shut, followed by complete silence taking my cue to rush out the locker room. "You sure took your time changing brat."

Jumping at the sudden voice my red eyes dart to the familiar red head whom fell in step with me. "I don't remember asking you to wait for me Dollface?"

He clicks his tongue in annoyance making me smirk lightly.

"Don't think just because the test is tomorrow you can slack off brat, we have much work to do."

I sulk visibly deflating at the mention of any form of mental work.

"Stupid Dollfa -"

"Come again ?"

A chill runs up my spine as I glance at the eerie red head. My eyebrow twitches in annoyance as I return the icy look

"You heard me—Gaara?"

I pause in step as I look at another red head who's stood awkwardly near my car.

"We'll continue this conversation later, how does after school sound Sabaku? Great, catch ya later!"

I didnt think he'd actually show up...!?

I sweatdrop as an awkward silence happens between the three of us. 2 red heads and 1 car. A devilish smirk grows on my face at the thought of not having to do work, making me bounce next the Gaara.

"Gomen Dollface, I forgot I had promised my friend Gaara here I'd hang out today!"

Sasori didn't answer, instead he stared itcily at Gaara whom returned the glare.

Do they know eachother? I thought awkwardly.

Deciding to break the tension I open my car door and look over my shoulder.

"I don't mean to break up your intense staring contest but me and Gaara got places to go Dollface?"

A small irk mark erupted on Sasori's forehead.

"And these places are?"

My eyes narrow at the foreign look passing his eye as he watched Gaara get in the car with me.

"Who wants to know?" I retort.

He clicks his tongue and marches off without another word.

"That was weird..." I murmur getting in the car and starting the ignition.

"Do you two know eachother or something?" I ask casually. It wouldn't be a surprise is they did seeing as they're both from rebel gangs whom have alliances with eachother.

Plus they both have red hair.

"We used to..." he answered impassively whilst focusing his attention on the window. I glance at the stoic redhead from the corner of my eye sensing it must be a touchy subject so I let it go.

If I'm gonna get any information from this guy I gotta get him to trust me.

Changing the subject, I let a small grin grace my face,
"Sooo are you by any chance lactose intolerant?"

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