Deal [61] (rewritten)

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Sasori drove like a madman through the streets of Tokyo, searching for any signs of the familiar Honda Civic or navy haired teen. He had the phone pressed to his ear.

"Come on, pick up Brat!"

As if I'm cue the phone connects and Deidaras groggy voice answered.
"Danna, it's 2 a-"

"Tsugumis missing. I need you to get up and wake the others up and help me look for her."

"W-what un! Wasn't she just missing a few hours ago, now she's missing again!" He could hear Deidara scrambling out of bed.

"Yes, but I stopped by her apartment and she was gone. Nagisa said she had came home but when we checked her room it was empty. The only sign that showed she was there was some open box." The puppeteer growled out as he tried to think of the multiple places she would go to.

"The others are up and getting ready un. Do you think she could have gotten far, I mean she has amnesia where would she go un!?"

Sasori gritted his teeth stopping at a vacant stoplight. He began fiddling with his necklace in deep thought till his eyes widened dumbfound.

"Of course. How could I have been so idiotic!"

"Look at this sunset."

"What? What is it un?"

"Isnt it ironic how the sun sets dveryday but its beauty only lasts for a few moments."

"I may be wrong about this but keep looking brat."

"Wa-" Hanging up the phone he slams his foot on the accelerator as the light goes green.
The puppeteer got on the highway making way to Fuji region, his teeth gritting. He didn't know why but he just had a gut feeling she'd be there.

"Please be right..."

|3 hours later |
I clutch the necklace in my hands shakily, my teeth grinding against each other.
Releasing a screech in agitation, I bring my arm back, preparing to throw the stupid piece of jewelry but I hesitate. For some reason I couldn't let the damn thing go...and it pissed me off. Images of the strangers that I woke up to flashed my vision for a second as I slowly crumbled to my knees. Tears brimmed my eyes in anguish as I stare out into the sunset with empty eyes; the coldness of the revolver hugging my hands. At first I thought I could beat this, beat this amnesia and the bullshit that came with it. But...multiple random scenes that just didn't make any sense kept flashing my vision. A rhythmic chant kept echoing in my head as I shakily lifted the firearm. I wasn't strong enough. I was done.

"Do it!"

My phone continued to buzz beside me, and I finally decided to answer it.

"Hello." I answered trying to maintain a calm tone.

"Tsugumi! Where are you." Sasoris blunt voice came making my lips twitch.

"Don't worry," I reassure falsely slowly bringing the barrel of the gun to my head.

"There's just so much pain. And im alone with it all."


Inhaling shakily, the familiar saltine liquids slid down my cheeks. 'That's what I thought.' I end the call and my finger slowly pressed on the trigger.

"You're not fine."

My eyes widen in shock as my head turns slowly. A grave expression was etched into his face. The phone he was holding in his hand fell limply as he took a step towards me hesitantly. For a moment, the image of something similar flashed my vision and my eyes crinkled in internal conflict.

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