Highway to hell [47]

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I sat nestled right in between Kakazu and Sasori. When i had tried to sit on Itachis lap, Sasori immediately yanked me next to him before i could reach the uchiha. The roadtrip itself was beyond boring, not like i did anything to change the deafening silence but it was still boring.

Kisame and Deidara had fallen asleep trails of drool pooling from the corner of their lips. I scored a few pictures successfully of the slumped members when no one was looking for blackmail.

About an hour in to the ride i got hungry and everyone joined in at the mention of my growling stomach; which i failed to hide behind coughs. The gang decided to try my little snack, sharing it amongst themselves. Of course, everyone took a liking to it as i expected seeing as i took pride in my cooking. "Easy to eat." As Kakazu had put it.

"Not fucking bad." Hidan said approvingly. Everyone else joined in giving me brief compliments. It was strange hearing a compliment from the albino but i took it humbly with a nod.

Suddenly,  a piano began to play through the radio making majority of the members groan.
Pein went to change the song but Konan slapped his hand, turning the song up. Aside from tobi, Konan was the only one getting hype for the infamous white chicks song.

"Making my way downtown walking fast" Konan started.

"Faces pass and I'm home bound!" Tobi finished loudly causing the rather stoic members to grimace.
"Staring blankly ahead just making my way
Making a way through the crowd!" I stare taken aback as Deidara joins with a grin.

"And I need you" Kisame suddenly pipes up toothily.

"And I miss you" Itachi finishes holding an invisible microphone as if he were some pop star.

It was now me Sasori, and Kakazu whom hadnt joined in as even pein started humming along whilst tapping the wheel.

"And now I fucking wonder!" As hidan chips in passing the invisible mic to Kakazu whom was counting money.
"If I could fall into the sky." The money lover states bluntly as he continued counting. 

"Do you think time would pass me by?" Nagisa laughs, handing the mic back to Hidan. Hidans eyes pierce me as he tosses the invisible mic to me. I dont know why i caught it but i shrugged.
"Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles" I glance at the astounded redhead next to me as he shakes his head. It was almost as if the radio was waiting for him to finish the part.
I nod with a smirk as the redhead glares at me. "I dont know the words." He hisses making me quirk a brow skeptically. After a moment he sighs and looks out the window.

"If I could just see you tonight." His voiced cracked toward the end.


"No fucking sirrr!"Hidan barks in laughter.

"Ever thought about joining X- factor?" Itachi chips in with a taunting smirk making me snicker as smoke came from the puppeteers ears.

"Least we know youre not good with your voice un."

"Its alright Sasori-senpai, Tobi thought it was good!" Tobi chirps only making Sasori more irritated. "Why you fucking lyingg." Hidan sang in response.

"Boys leave Sasori alone." Konan chastises with a disapproving look through the rearview mirror."Yeah leave Sasori-nii alone!" Nagisa defends with puffed cheeks from where he sat in between Hidan and Itachi. "Atleast he tried." Pein adds trying to defend the redhead but it only made us laugh more. "You guys are terrible." Kisame snickered as Kakazu nodded his head in agreement trying to hide his amused expression.

"Are you done?" Sasori snaps, making me try to keep a straight face at his annoyance. I purse my lips at the small pout on his lips."Its ok dollface, no bodies perfect." I comfort the redhead but he continued looking out of the window ignoring me. 'Ahh looks like we've made him mad...'

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