Wrong number Part 2 - Bryles

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Myles - Hey babe😘

Briar - Stfu and go back to where u came from!

Myles - Razist..?

Briar - No dumbass

Myles - I have a name

Briar - Oh me too...

Myles - Yh soz Briar I'll try to remember😉

Briar - Thx

Briar - Wait no! Don't remember it, cause we're not gonna talk anymore

Myles - It kinda seems like we are tho

Briar - Well stop texting me

Myles - Stop texting me

Briar - I'm fucking trying to!

Myles - Feisty... I like that

Briar - Ahaha😑

Myles - Why can't we just talk?

Briar - Cause 1: you could be a total creep 2: you're getting on my nerves

Myles - 1: well I'm not 2: u kinda like it don't u?😏

Briar - And 3: I could be some creep?

Myles - I'll take the chance

Briar - But I still don't wanna talk to u!

Myles - Ouch

Briar -Don't u have a normal life? I mean like not on your phone

Myles - Don't u?

Briar - I do, and I'm livin it right now!

Myles - How come?

Briar - I'm at a cafe with my friends

Myles - And yet you're texting me?😏

Myles - You told your friends bout me?

Briar - Only cause you're texting me

Briar - And no obv NOT

Myles - Well actully I'm just answering your texts

Briar - Then stop answering my texts

Myles - Nah that would just be rude

Myles - I'm actully a nice guy ya now

Briar - I highly doubt that...

Briar - And btw how old is this "nice guy"?

Myles - Why do u wanna know?😏

Briar - Cause I was thinking that if we were like the same age, mabye you would want to be my bf?

Myles - Ehm... don't u think that's a lil to early..?

Briar - 🤦🏼‍♀️

Myles - I'm sorry I have a girlfriend

Briar - Oh yh

Myles - Why would you care?

Briar - I don't

Briar - It's just that... do your gf know that you flirt with other girls on your phone?

Myles - No why?

Briar - I knew it

Myles - You knew a lot of stuff... you have to be more specific?

Briar - I knew that u were just some psyco fuckboi

Myles - I'm a virgin

Briar - Sure, and I'm born on the moon...

Myles - I actully am!

Myles - And I'm not used to doin stuff like this

Briar - Really? So how's the normal Myles?

Myles - So u do wanna talk to me

Briar - Just answer?

Myles - Didn't you have your friends to talk to?

Briar - Didn't u have a question to answer?

Myles - He's alright I guess

Briar - Alright?

Myles - A bit boring if I should listen to my friends

Briar - Wowo😂

Myles - Hey! I just opened up.

Briar - Yh ik soz

Myles - Lazy...

Briar - Yeah I know sorry!

Myles - Well now I want a picture of u😊🙌🏻

Briar - Ew no!

Myles - Why not?😢

Briar - I asked for your age?

Myles - 17 turning 18 July 27th

Briar - Hmm, not to bad

Myles - U?

Briar - Turned 17 on December 27th

Myles - Congratz!🙌🏻😘

Briar - That was like 3 months ago, and u still have a gf

Myles - Ik

Myles - Listen babe I would love to talk more, but I gotta go now

Briar - Finally

Myles - Just admit that u enjoyed talking to me😏

Briar - ...

Myles - Talk to u tomorrow babe😘

Briar - Go to hell

Myles - Anything for u my princess

Briar - ...

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