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Hello fellow wattpadders!
Long time no see☺️

As you've proberbly noticed, I havn't updated in a long time.
To be fully honest I think the reason is that I've completely lost all interest in The Next Step including Bryles. I have no idea of how it all went away, but I'm just not CRAZY about them anymore. (I have a theory that it began when I started watching Riverdale a few weeks back..😂) It's kinda sad, as Briar and Myles was a HUGE part of my life for almost a year, and The Next Step for about four years. I couldn't be more greatful for all of your support on here, and for all the friends I've made through Bryles and The next step. So also a huge thanks to Briar and Myles, for... well everything they've done.

Idk what to do right now, I might come back at some point, or just write if I feel like it.

Anyways, thank you all for the amazing books I've had the pleasure to read, and for commenting sweet things throughout this whole book, it was truly heartwarming to read.

I wish you all the best on your journey through life!

Keep on rocking the world out there...🤘🏻🌍

(writing that line made me emotional😔)

Hannah xx😙❤️

Btw just to let you know, my instagram is bryles4life 🙈

(casually crying as I start thinking of how all this started..)

idk if I'll write something, but it most likely won't be Bryles/Nochelle related.. Byeb❤️❤️

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