Where's Emilia?

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Emily pov

I ran towards Alison as fell to the ground in tears. I made it just in time to catch her. My arms wrapped around her and pulled her as close to my body as possible. I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes but I held them back. I had to stay strong for Alison. If I panicked it would cause her to panic so much more.

"Ali I'm sure she is fine. Spencer or your dad probably found her fussing and went for a walk with her." I knew deep down that probably wasn't true.

I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

"Jason go find your dad. Aria go find Spencer but no one tells Hanna or Caleb because we can't ruin today for them."

Alison's body was shaking in my arms as she sobbed. I tried to get Alison up from the ground but she wouldn't move. I eventually got Alison up and on to a chair. Aria came back with Spencer but no Emilia. Aria just shook her head and I could feel anger building up in my body.

"Ali we will find her." Spencer put her hand on Alison's shoulder.

"We need to start looking for her." I could feel myself begin to panic but tried to hide it.

"You and I will go check around the woods beside here and Aria and Ali can go around town."

"Ali you need to get up." I put my arm around her and pulled her up from the seat. Her whole face was red and blotchy from crying so hard. 

I gave her a quick kiss then headed to the woods with Spencer.

"Do you really think A would take her?" I knew it was a stupid question to ask since I already knew the answer.

"I don't know Em but we will find her okay." Spencer gave me a hopeful smile but I knew it was fake, she was just as worried as I was.

As we reached the edge of the woods I stopped. The thought of A having her in there made me feel sick. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and they began streaming uncontrollably down my face. Spencer pulled me in for a hug and I began crying harder. 

My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my bag.

Such a cute baby and she never seems to cry - Kisses A

There was a photo of Emilia sitting under the slide attached. I threw my phone into my bag and started running through the trees. I could hear Spencer behind me trying to keep up but I was a lot faster than her. It was so dark here that I wasn't even sure I was going the right way I just had to try. I I couldn't hear Spencer behind me anymore. I had a quick look behind me and I couldn't see Spencer anymore but I could hear her shouting my name from a distance. I didn't stop I just kept running until I found somewhere I knew. I could see the slide from the photo A sent and as I grew closer I could hear Emilia's sweet giggle. As I ran the thought of A being there made me want to kill that bitch. As I made it into the clearing I seen Emilia sitting in a small basket holding one of her toys. Someone in a black hoodie was standing over her with their back facing me. I charged towards them and as soon as I got close enough I through a punch smacking them and knocking them to the ground. I kicked them while they were still down and I couldn't stop. I just kept kicking them.


I turned around to see Spencer running towards me. When I turned back to A they had managed to get up and run away into the woods I picked Emilia out of the basket and turned back to Spencer who was still running towards me. I looked down at the ground beside the slide and screamed. My scream echoed and Emilia looked at me startled and began crying. I covered her face with my hand and stepped back. Emilia's cries rang in my ears as I tried to cover her eyes.

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