When he wants a child

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Sasuke had taken the only days he got to rest, a.k.a. the weekends, to take sakura, his fiancé, into town. They walked out of their apartment, and she locked it, walking towards the sidewalk.

Sasuke went up to her, and held her hand tightly, "I'm not letting you get away with what you did last time." He growled, "Buying that damn set of speakers that has such heavy base—" 

"That you love to take me hard to~" She reminded him, and he grumbled a little, tugging her along. They were going to the beautiful down town today, and she was intent to get him to have fun.

"sasuke!" She called, running over to the front of a candy shop, "Candy?" she asked, looking at him with big eyes, "Please?!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Tch, fine. But only-..." and off she went, grabbing a bag, and putting what looked like to him about four pounds of her favourite candies into the bag, then grab a lollipop, and picking up a giant pixie stick. "She's going to have a sugar rush..." Sasuke grumbled as he went up and paid. 

Sakura kissed his cheek, perfect pink lips, pressing against his pale skin, causing him to blush and grumble about PDA. 

Sakura walked around before stopping dead in her tracks in front of... Oh no. Not there...sakura

 "sakura!" he heard one of her close friends, tenten call out to her, the pet store.

"tenten," she giggled hugging her, "Do you have any of..." she looked back and forth, then whispered something.

Tenten, smiled, and nodded, "Yes, as a matter of fact, we do!" she smiled, leading her in.

Sasuke walked into the store, following the one he wondered why he loved, into the back. She was cooing over a puppy, 

"sasuke! Look!" It was not a tea cup type dog, it was bigger, and he knew, that she knew, perfect for their house. "It's a Welsh Corgi!" She smiled, "Can we get her? Please?" She begged, "Please, please, please?!"

Sasuke huffed, "Why?" he asked curtly.

"Because! I want a puppy! If you won't give me a child, then I want a baby dog." She huffed.

It hit Sasuke then, she had a limit on her childbearing years, and it was fastly approaching. They had about two years. 

His heart started aching for her, knowing that when she sees a young couple with a baby, she always excuses herself from whatever she was doing, and went to the bathroom and cried. He'd held her many nights because she'd dream of the children she'd never have.

But, because she loved him and didn't want to leave him, she would give up her ultimate dream. He thought a second, and couldn't do that to her. even though he was reluctant to incase history repeated itself.

"We'll get her, sakura, I want to go home after this." 

Sakura squealed, and held the happy puppy up, snuggling it.

He smiled slightly at the sight, knowing that their child would be happy with their lives.

When they got home, sakura smiled, "I'm gonna name you sarada." She smiled, at the barking dog.

"Hey, that's your favorite name for a girl! Don't use that!"sasuke demanded.

"And why not?! It's not like..." she looked down, and the puppy snuggled up to her, trying to comfort her new mommy.

"Because, there's something I want to talk about, sakura." Sasuke said, looking at her directly in the eyes, "I want to have a child."

Sakura gasped, and started crying, "s sasuke do you r-really mean that?!" 

Sasuke groaned, "Stop crying, and yes, I do." 

2 & ½ years later...

"Mommy!" an adorable little girl called to her mother, sakura running with her hair up in a ponytail, and their dog, Jo, right behind her.

"sarads!" Sakura giggled, "You're supposed to be with Daddy." She kissed her nose.

"But Daddy told me to come to you..." and then another voice was heard, that of her twin brother,Daisuke, "Mommy!" he yelled, running in, "Daddy wants you!"

"What is he doing...?" Sakura sighed, picking up her daughter, and holding her son's hand.

She walked into their living room, and it was decorated in all white, "Happy first anniversary, sakura." He smiled, something that wasn't seen very often. The ONLY exception being his daughter and son.

"sarada! Daisuke!! Why didn't you tell Mommy that Daddy was doing this?"

"Because! Daddy said the Prince should always surprise his Princess with gifts!" She giggled as sakura snuggled her.

"And that if I'm gonna be a big boy, and grow up to be like Daddy, that I would have to keep secrets!" Daisuke yelled.

"Tch, you're going to have to quieten down, too." Sasuke said.

She put her daughter down, and walked over to her husband, "I love you, sasuke." Sakura said, and kissed him.

"I love you, too, sakura" Sasuke replied. 

"Are we gonna eat this cake now?!"sarada and daisuke said, in unison, after they found the cake Sasuke had baked. 

Sakura looked at her husband, one eyebrow raised, "My, did the 'to cool to cook' Sasuke bake me a cake?!" she giggled, "Oh how the mighty have fallen."Sasuke

Sasuke looked sour again, and grumbled something like, "We'll see who's 'fallen' and who hasn't tonight..."

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