The truth could no longer stay hidden...

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Sanem sat in the garden filled with the light of her words. What lay dormant in her soul for so long now was almost screaming to come out. The pen in her hand could barely keep up with the inspiration she could no longer contain. The words spilled out on the paper, and it felt so great...

Lost in the happiness she felt inside her soul because of her beloved work, she barely noticed when Yigit came around. His presence surprised her. She could not pinpoint why, but she felt a sudden onset of uneasiness. And it wasn't becaue he had asked her to marry him. This strange sort of uneasiness came suddenly and made her feel uncomfortable to be in his presence. And that never happened before.

He apologized for his proposal, and made attempts to excuse his behavior. But the more he explained, the less she found she could believe him. She was beginning to see that as much as he professed his feelings for her, he never truly bothered to get to know her. The real her. If he did, he would never have come even close to thinking he ever stood a chance against her love for Can. Nobody ever would. And she was beginning to see that Yigit was no more than an employer who overstepped boundaries that should never be crossed.

Thinking so, her mind wandered over to Can. Her mind always did. Listening to Yigit's words left her spirit on edge. The only thing that kept her calm was concentrating on Can and his promise he made not long ago about staying by her side and keeping her safe. She told Yigit she did not need to be saved or protected. But deep down she felt she needed Can to do just that.

The calm she felt mere moments ago shattered into nonexistence the moment Yigit mentioned Hüma's name. Not only that, he spoke of her with affection and concern. If she hadn't paid attention to the uneasiness in her heart before, now she could barely concentrate on anything else. That fearful drumbeat filled her entirely. She could not escape it. Could no longer ignore it. It seemed that the truth he was trying to hide could no longer stay hidden...

Yigit too seemed to loose his place in the conversation. Coming up with an excuse proved pointless. He was foolish enough to think he came up with a sound excuse. And blinded by his selfish and egotistical self-absorbed view of himself, he actually believed that Sanem would leave the subject of his relationship with Hüma and believe in his words. He failed to realize that Sanem not only could not leave the subject, she would spend hours trying to figure out just exactly what he was doing with Hüma, and how long he had been in touch with her...

Yigit felt baffeled by Sanem's reaction to his question regarding her return back to writing. She pulled the notebook closer to her heart, and away from him. This simple gesture told him more than her words did. And he was beginning to see that the battle he was trying to wage over Sanem's heart was already lost...

The peace and happiness Sanem felt moments ago while barely holding the reigns of her pen were gone. Her mood paled in comparison to what she felt before Yigit came around. A thought was beginning to form in her mind that maybe it was not at all because of Can that she felt at a loss for words a year ago when the the words stopped coming. After all, he was the inspiration that kept her divit feather pen hard at work so many nights after their daily encounters. Maybe, just maybe, it was Yigit's coming into their lives and demanding a book out of her that she may not have been ready for. But that was the past. She would not dwell on it any more than she had to. All that was important to her now, was that the words from deep withing her heart were coming back to her. All thanks to Can...

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