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"Do you think it was Harry who got out of bed?" Eleanor asked as Severus recalled his encounter with Quirrell not too long after Eleanor had went off to bed the night before

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"Do you think it was Harry who got out of bed?" Eleanor asked as Severus recalled his encounter with Quirrell not too long after Eleanor had went off to bed the night before. Snape mentioned the feeling of someone being present during his little talk with the Dark Arts teacher.

"There was nobody around, but I felt the sense that it could have been." Snape leaned over his podium rubbing his temples with his hands irritatingly. "No offense to your nephew, but he is a royal pain when it comes to the boy minding his own business."

Eleanor sat atop of the demonstration table, drinking the warm coffee that a charmed spoon continued to stir up. "That's enough." She stated and the spoon aboarded her drink. Eleanor shifted the conversation over to a different topic, not wanting to say any more of Harry. "I just don't understand why we don't get the ministry involved with Quirrell, keep him on Auror watch or something?"

"Even if the both of us were witnesses we don't have enough evidence for the ministry of magic to bat an eyelash." He made a point though Eleanor didn't understand why Dumbledore kept Quirrell if he suspected him to be stealing the stone.

"What if we gave him a potion? Veritaserum will make him confess of his crimes and—"

"I'm sorry — We?" Severus narrowed his eyebrows at her.

"I want to help you." She stated

"I didn't ask for your help." Snape interrupted her idea.

Eleanor frowned, "I'm sorry? We're you not the one to ask me for my help when that troll got loose?"

A dry grunt came from the back of Severus's throat. His hand ran through his dark hair in frustration, "That was different."

"But it's not!" She shook her head, "Quirrell is a threat and I want to help!"

"No." His monotoned voice spoke with a powerful camand, for a moment they only stared at each other, his eyes followed her own as he kept taking steps towards her, soon they were inches apart. "I hate to break it to you Professor, but your whole life was a threat the day your brother died. The day you left Hogwarts under the wing of the ministry was the day your life was over and you know it. You've spent 10 years alone with nobody, but yourself. The only reason Dumbledore came back to you was to offer you another chance in the precious game of life and you want to ruin it by getting involved, and possibly killed because you want to 'help out'. You're here to keep the boy out the away and I suggest you do that."

Eleanor only stared at him, "Are you done ranting?"

Severus tried to distract himself as he sat behind his desk to pull out ungraded notes. "I think you should leave." He said in a quieter tone than how he had been speaking to her before.

In no time Eleanor hopped off his table and went for the door before she stopped herself.

"You know, I'm here to protect that boy and if there is a threat at this school, I am going to do whatever it takes to make sure it's not." She pointed a finger at him as he continued to ignore her and read through parchments only to scribble down on them aggressively.

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