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Professor Slughorns party had been loud enough to hear through the south corridors of the castle

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Professor Slughorns party had been loud enough to hear through the south corridors of the castle.

Christmas carols had been sung by a choir, the room had been nearly packed while kitchen elfs had walked around clumsily with trays of sparkling cider, hot chocolate and horderves.

Eleanor stood alone.

Her eyes wandered the hall as students had danced and talked to their friends.

A smile was given to anyone who had walked pasted the professor while she wished them a Happy Christmas.

It's been like that for the first thirty minutes since she had gotten there and yet, Severus hadn't shown up like he said he would.

"Happy Christmas Professor Adler!" Greeted Neville who held a tray of beverages in his hands.

Immediately she grinned up at the boy who had grown taller than the last time she's noticed. "Happy Christmas Neville!" Eleanor gave him a quick hug before looking back at him with a confused expression, "Why are you handing out cider? Shouldn't you be enjoying the party?"

His smile dropped a bit.

"Actually, Professor Slughorn didn't invite me... He actually hasn't been inviting me to any of the recent slug club meetings, but I asked the kitchen elfs if I could help with the party and they seemed delighted!"

Eleanor pressed her red lips in a thin line.

A disappointed expression crossed her face as she glanced to where Horace Slughorn had been sitting and chatting with various students he had favoured.

All of them were specifically talented and smarter than herself.

It upsetted her deeply that Horace decided to only invite people of his interest instead of it being an equal celebration to everyone else.

With a deep sigh she turned back to the boy, "Neville, You don't need to hear it from anyone else because you should already know this, but you're just as gifted and bright than anybody else at this party. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise, not even Professor Slughorn."

Neville only nodded with a slight grin.

He hadn't heard that from anyone else, but her his whole life. It made him proud to have her as someone he admired, "Thank you Professor."

"And saying that," Eleanor reached into the pocket of her dress to take out a few gold galleons, "I believe your shift is over."

The gold coins were placed in the palm of his hand as she took the tray from him.

He was shocked by the gesture.

"Enjoy the party."

A large smile was placed on his lips. He looked back at her.

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