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Eleanor found it difficult to settle in the night before the second task

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Eleanor found it difficult to settle in the night before the second task. She spent most of the late night hours staring at her ceiling, preying upon a god, James, lily, her parents— anyone that would listen, hoping they would keep Harry safe.

The task made her more nervous since she hadn't known what the second task was about, during the first task she knew before hand of what was to come— now, she knew nothing.

Eleanor hadn't known if she'd ever actually fallen asleep that night.

All she remembered was having these thoughts running through her head, damn she might have dreamt them too, but the next thing she knew was that the sun began to rise over black lake, now shining through her window and it was time for her to get ready for the day.

Her whole body trembling from nervousnes as she had gotten dressed. She felt like she could barely function due to her uncontrollable frantic shaking from the anxiety that rose from the pit of her stomach.

She felt sick.

It took all of her fo push herself out her chamber doors, she skipped breakfast in hope in finding Harry, but she hadn't.

"Neville?" Asked Eleanor as she approached the breakfast table, now realizing that Ron and Hermione were missing to, "Have you seen Harry?"

Neville looked up from his plate of waffles drenched in syrup before looking down the long table. "Can't say that I have Professor, I'm sorry."

To that Eleanor smiled at the boy nervously before overlooking the great hall one more time. She made suddle eye contact with Fleur Delacour, so that meant that the champions hadn't left to prepare for their task yet.

"He's probably just getting dressed," mentioned Mcgonagall who approached the worried some teacher. "Come sit, at least have some jam on toast. You look a bit ill." She tried to get Eleanor to calm down.

"But where are the rest of his friends?" Eleanor asked as they now walked up to the high table. "Ron and Hermione—"

"They're fine, Professor." But the twinkle in Mcgonagalls eyes shined of guilt.

It wasn't until an hour later when she and everyone else that belonged on Hogwarts grounds began to March towards the location of the second task.

They headed for the docks surrounding Black Lake.

She walked alone, passing students and triwizard audiences that have come from around the wizarding world to see this task.

Eleanor then remembered a face that had been here the last time and wondered if he was here again.

Ted hadn't been seen from her view, at least not yet. She hoped heavily that their last encountering had scared him off into not coming back at all.

But when did she ever get what she wanted?

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