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I feel like something terrible is going to happen. I know you've told me not to worry, but I feel that it is all I do nowadays. I'm paranoid. I can't sleep. It's really hard having to hold it all together, I'm not letting it effect my teaching and Harry seems to be doing fine. I guess that's what all that matters. I'm practically counting the days till the holidays. I miss you and I hope your warm, where ever you are at. Cold weather seems to be coming sooner.


Eleanor hadn't gotten another letter until  Tuesday, luckily she had gotten into the owlery just in time as Sirius's owl was sending in his note.

It said—

My dear,

If you are having these premonitions, you must let Dumbledore know. It's much too dangerous to be having these thoughts alone. I would rather have you tell someone than isolating yourself with those assumptions. I love you. I want you to find help. Immediately. Being worried and anxious is one thing, but when it's getting to your health it irks me to the core. Get some rest, love. Keep in touch with me. I'll see you soon.

Love Sirius

So now Eleanor had sat in Dumbledores office, facing his desk as he poured milk into his tea. "Now— I assume you're here because of all the negative thoughts, loss of sleep and paranoia due to this years event involving Harry— correct?" He pushed up his half moon glasses.

"How did you—"

Dumbledore chuckled, "Sirius Black had sent me a note not long ago, alerting me of these um... visions." He had took a moment to blow on his tea before he spoke again.

Sbe blinked in response. "He— He sent a note?"

"Multiple, all the time— he's always checking up on you, you know. Harry as well. Are you two a thing?"

"Headmaster, I think this is off topic." Eleanor stated as Dumbledore pardoned himself.

"My apologies, ah, well— about your visions, I believe you should just simply let it go." He said calmly

"Let it go?" She questioned, "That's it? That's the great advice you have for me?"

"Its advice, I'm a wizard not a therapist." He giggled a bit before clearing his throat, "On a serious note, take precautions and I assure you, you are just under alot of stress. Everything will work out as it should."

There was something so strange about that last statement given to her because the twinkle in his eye said different. Eleanor took that lack of advice from the headmaster and walked out.

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