Just A Little Bit Of Drama..

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HELLOOOOOOO.... Woohoo i am not going camping so updates will be flying your way tonight! My parents are going out for dinner and i am staying home! SCORE so that means updates,updates and updates! <3 HOpe you enjoy this chapter put in a little drama becaue i haven't really had any! So enjoy and please leave a comment or vote or fan you know! thanks lovlies xxx

Liam POV

We all decided to pull our heads together and finish this video, we filmed walking along the beach and we are about to film Harry’s part singing to the girl. “Alright Harry are you ready in 3-2-1 go” he started singing to the girl; I looked over to see Lou looking extremely annoyed. “Niall go comfort Louis” I whispered. “Oh yeah look at him, I’m on it”

I carried on watching Harry’s scene but you could tell just by his body language he was uncomfortable like this. The girl was enjoying his company you could tell she was flirting with him but he was putting it on. Niall had taken Lou away because it was obviously hard for him I stood with Zayn. “It is so cute how Harry and Lou are so perfect for each other” I said “Yeah but they both get so jealous really quickly” “That’s true but I guess if you saw Perrie smiling to another guy you would get pretty defensive” “yeah that’s a good point”

Louis POV

“Seeing Harry with that girl just makes me feel he would be so much better off with a girl and not being gay” I am starting to lose it. Niall takes me out of there, “Shh Lou it’s alright” “Niall please I just need space” “Lou I am your oldest friend please you can talk to me” “Niall I don’t want to talk about it” “Fine suit yourself he walked off probably back to Liam I decide to keep walking I don’t care if no one finds me. I have ruined Harry’s life he deserves to get married and have a family and not have the complications of being gay.

The way he was with that girl he looked so happy and so did she, if we get famous he will have girls lusting after him as he is gorgeous and if he was gay it would not do him any good and he would get mocked, being gay has so many limits and I know that but its not right for me to be pushing them on Harry. I pick up a run and I can see a group of trees ahead and no one is stopping me.

Niall POV

“Niall where’s Lou” “He wouldn’t let me help him even though I reminded him I am his oldest friend but he wouldn’t have a bar of it. Harry finished his scene, “Where’s Boo?” “He took a walk” “Niall what do you mean he took a walk” “I don’t know he went that way” “Niall why didn’t you keep an eye on him” “Why he wanted space so I gave it to him” “But you can’t leave boo ever to his own devices whatever the mood” harry started yelling at me and liam spoke “Harry calm down, Harry” Harry started sprinting off down the beach. The producers “Where is Harry going and where is Lou” Zayn answered “Lou got a little up tight and Harry has gone to find him.

Harry POV

Where has Lou gone, why would he just go off like that. “BooBear?” I started yelling. I am panicking I have no idea where my boyfriend has gone. “Louis please answer me” I hear sobbing. “Boo” I run around the trees to see Louis crying up against the tree log. “Boo hey shhh shhh come here” I pull him into me. “No harry get off me” I panick “Boo what have I done I am really sorry I didn’t mean it whatever it was”

“No Harry you haven’t done anything but there is something we need to deal with” I start crying. “Boo explain” “Harry I think it’s best we give up being a couple” the tears roll down my cheeks faster and harder. “Boo why what have I done please” I am sobbing into my shirt I can’t believe this I have no idea what I did. “Harry I saw the way you were with that girl you deserve to be with a girl, go get married have kids and enjoy life you are gorgeous and you don’t see it and girls would lust after you no problems” I cut in “Boo I don’t want a girlfriend these past 2 weeks I have been the happiest I have been my entire life, waking up next to you and spending every living moment with you is like nothing I could have ever imagined” I started sobbing harder.

“Boo please don’t do this, I want to get married and have kids but with you I couldn’t picture it with anyone else adopting kids and living the rest of my life with you is the only thing I want” he started crying. “But Haz imagine if we get famous there will be girls all over you and you don’t want to have to turn them down because you are gay” “I will have to because I will be happily dating the love of my life” He smiled “Are you sure this is what you want” “I couldn’t want anything else” I placed my lips gently on his. “this is where I belong” he smiled and grabbed my hand.

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