6 Old Friend

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Xiumin walked into her apartment and threw her backpack on the floor by the door after locking it. She walked to her refrigerator and grabbed an iced tea before plopping down on the couch.

She turned on the tv and absent-mindedly scrolled through the channels in search for something to watch. She picked a random movie and watched it through, laughing occasionally.

After watching tv for about another hour, Xiumin got up and went to the kitchen to look for something for dinner. On her way to the kitchen, she decided to eat her favorite food, ramen.

She looked through all of her cabinets and wasn't able to find any ramen. She sighed and went to the front door to put on her shoes. Xiumin was so determined to eat ramen that she was going to leave her house just to get it from the convenience store near her building.

Xiumin walked for two minutes before realizing her grave mistake; she didn't bring a jacket. It was early spring so it was still cold out. With the store in sight, she made a run for it in order to be sheltered from the cold.

Xiumin was able to quickly get the ramen as she was familiar with the layout of the store. Before leaving, she also got a few snacks. She was getting a couple drinks before a voice took her by surprise.

"Hey Xiumin! I haven't seen you in a while."

Xiumin stopped what she was doing and turned towards the male who had just spoke to her.

Standing to the side of her was Park Seonghwa flashing his famous smile.

"We haven't seen each other in a while, huh?" he said chuckling a bit at the shocked expression of his old

"I thought you were in Japan.." she whispered, still surprised by his sudden appearance.

"I came back to see you, obviously."


Xiumin was currently walking back home from her trip to the convenience store having light conversation with Seonghwa.

Seonghwa looked at her and could see she was shivering slightly. He took of his coat and placed it on her shoulders.

"Oo Seonghwa! Such a gentleman~" Xiumin cooed as she properly put on the coat.

Seonghwa lightly pushed her and blushed, suddenly feeling shy. "Shut up.." he mumbled making Xiumin giggle at his cuteness.

"We're here." Xiumin announced.

They stepped into the apartment and removed their shoes.

Seonghwa looked around and took in the familiar surroundings. He looked over at Xiumin who was already preparing to make ramen for the two of them.

"Do you still live alone?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I thought you were going to live with those two girls... Seul and Orihime, right?"

"It didn't work out." Xiumin answered simply.

"Then.." Seonghwa paused and thought about what he was going to say, "Can I move in?"

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