52 Swinging

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Yunho sipped at his tea nervously, glancing between the world beyond the window and the girl who sat in front of him.

Orihime bit down onto her lip lightly, her cheeks dusted a light shade of pink, as her finger traced around the rim of her coffee cup.

The girl had asked Yunho out on a date and brought him to the café she, Seul and Xiumin often visited. The two of them had been getting closer over the last few months since their talk on the roof, staying up past hours their parents would allow just to text each other, having side conversations with each other at the lunch table, always going off on their own when the group hung out, but had never made anything official. Orihime had decided to take the first step in that direction.

"Yunho-" she started.

"Huh? Yeah?"

Orihime giggled awkwardly "It's weird how different we are now.. We usually just talk normally."

"Heh yeah... it's weird all right..."

Another awkward silence. Great.

Yunho stood abruptly, startling Orihime "How about we go on a walk?"


The two walked down the sidewalk, sounds of passing cars, people going on with their daily lives and birds chirping filling up the quiet between them.

Yunho was the first to speak up "I heard you got an A on your dance project."

Orihime immediately brightened up, "Yeah! I worked so hard on that project. I mean.. Xiumin did help me a bit."

"I saw you practicing alone a few days ago; you've seriously improved. I'm proud of you." He said genuinely.

She looked up at him, her eyes seemingly sparkling with happiness from the praise she had received "Really? You think so?"

Yunho stopped and looked at her with a smile "Of course! You may be a better dancer than me one day." He pat her head gently.

They continued walking ahead, conversation easily finding them now. Orihime felt as Yunhos' shoulder brushed against hers as he gradually moved closer to her side. She glanced up at him to see his ears deep red, though he stared straight ahead, her cheeks now doing the same.

Gathering her courage, she reached over, slowly taking his hand in hers. Yunho tried hard to hide the smile threatening to show on his face as he intertwined their fingers, lightly swinging their hands back and forth.

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