61 Making Up

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What do you want

I want to meet up with you
We haven't talked in a while and I just wanted to catch up with you :)

Seen. San left him on seen. Wooyoung smirked as he knew exactly how to drag San out.

Xiumin will be there

Where and when?


Xiumin sat in a new café that opened up in the area, sipping on an Ice Americano, looking expectedly between the two boys who sat across from her. San straight up, not-so-subtly glaring at Wooyoung, the other stared down at his lap, only glancing at San every once in a while.

"Why are we here?" San asked curtly.

"Well, we haven't hung out in a while, the three of us, and I... missed.. you." Wooyoung lied.

San narrowed his eyes at him, seeing straight through his lie. "Yeah sure."

"So San... how are you?" Wooyoung felt awkward in this situation. What was he meant to say and why wasn't Xiumin talking yet?

"I was just fine before seeing you."

Wooyoung gave him a look before continuing "That's... good? How's your parents?"

"They're fine."

"O..kay..." The boy sighed in frustration. San wasn't making this any easier.

San turned to Xiumin and gave her a sweet smile "Hi Xiumin! We haven't talked in a while. I've miss you~"

Xiumin gaze rested on him as she thought about whether to respond or not. Technically, San and Wooyoung talked to each other but that wasn't exactly the happy resolution she was looking for.

Wooyoung watched her expectantly, hoping for her to say something. Even if it wasn't directed to him, all he wanted was to hear her voice that always reminded him silk; rich, smooth, and beautiful.

"I missed you both." She said simply with a small smile, looking between them.

The two boys exclaimed in celebration and high fived before realizing and retracting back into their own spaces awkwardly.

Xiumin's smile widened as they accidentally slipped back into their old selves. "This is what I wanted. I missed the old us. I missed the two of you together." She looked down to her drink somberly "I hate that I was the cause of your falling out."

Their eyes widened as the words spilled out of her mouth. San quickly spoke up "Its not your fault at all!" Wooyoung nodded in agreement with him.

"If not, then what? Why are you fighting then?" She asked the two as they went silent. She was right and they couldn't deny that.

She stood up from her seat, grabbing her cup "I'll be leaving. You two better stay here and become friends again! I'll know if you just leave; I have eyes everywhere."

The boys looked after her as she left, slowly turning back around to face the table. They sat in silence, not knowing what to do since they weren't allowed to leaved.

Wooyoung cleared his throat, getting San's attention "You know, it is pretty stupid that we aren't friends anymore because of a girl that we've only just met this year." He said in slightly joking.

"Are you saying that we just forget about Xiumin then?" San teased as he started to relax. Even after everything, Wooyoung still had that effect on him.

"Hell no! I'm just saying that we shouldn't have let something like this ruin us. We've been friends since we were eight; it'd be a shame if we didn't at least make it to the end of high school."

San chuckled "Yeah, it would be huh."

As the conversation died, silence falling over the two again. Wooyoung was the first to speak again "How about this!" He started, excitedly "We let Xiumin decide who she wants to be with and have no hard feelings left over. I mean, it was always up to her in the first place right?"

San stared down at Wooyoung's outstretched hand before slowly taking it and shaking with him to seal the deal.

Only thing is, his fingers were crossed behind his back.

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