39 Wet Hair

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Xiumin kneeled on the cold tile of her bathroom floor with a disgusted face. She rubbed circles on San's back as he threw up the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

When he was finished, he sat back and whipped his mouth with his hands, staring at the mess he had just made.

"Are you feeling better now?"

San glanced at her then back to the toilet. He slowly nodded in response.

"Good. Then go ahead and take a shower; I'll try and sneak some clothes from Seonghwa. They'll be on my bed."

Xiumin stood up, her eyes lingering on San for a few seconds, and walked through the bathroom door and into her room. She quickly came back to the bathroom with a towel and washcloth handing it to the tired boy in front of her.

She ruffled his hair in attempt to make him feel better and was successful in earning a small smile from him. She went in to give him a hug but quickly backed up when remembering that he had thrown up on his shirt moments before. San giggled softly before shooing her away.


"BREAKFAST IS READY!" Seonghwa yelled from his spot in the kitchen.

Within seconds, he heard what he could only describe as a stampede rushing toward him. He looked over to the entrance of the kitchen and saw six hungry boys staring at the food on the counter, watching it like vultures.

"Jongho, help me bring out the food."

The two boys placed the food on a table in the living room that one of the girls brought out. Everyone gathered around the table and went to dig in.

"How could you guys try and eat without me??" San asked as he walked into the room with a pout on his face.

San sat on the floor in between Seonghwa and Xiumin, grabbing a plate and quickly getting some food before it was all gone. Xiumin felt a drop of water fall onto her shoulder. She looked over to see San's hair practically dripping wet.

After everyone had finished eating, she pulled him aside, towel in hand. "You can't walk around with your hair this wet, you'll catch a cold." She said worriedly as she sat on the couch, telling him to sit on the floor in front of her. San sat with a blush on his face.

"You don't have to do this for me..."

"I know; I just want to."

San closed his eyes, a smile resting on his face. He leaned back against Xiumin's legs as she dried his hair. Xiumin, too, smiled.

"I'm gonna want you to do this everytime I wash my hair now." San joked, looking up at her, though he was serious.

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