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Wooyoung stepped through the familiar door and looked around at the room. Everything was exactly the same even though it had been month since he had been back home. Even though he hated being back, he had ran out of clothes to wear at the Choi's house and needed to get more.

He crept through the house, trying to make as little noise as possible, making his way up to his bedroom. When he opened his room door, his eyes widen. The room was an absolute mess; there was glass on the floor from broken picture frames and vases, his bed sheets thrown everywhere. Just complete chaos.

Wooyoung snapped out of it and decided to ignore the mess. He grabbed a suitcase from his closet and quickly started stuffing clothes inside.

"What are you doing back here?" A voice spoke into the quiet but frantic air.

He froze as heard the voice he hoped to never hear again. He dropped the shirt in his hands as they started to shake. He stood still, too afraid to turn and face his mother.

"I asked a question, Jung Wooyoung!"

His mother ran up to him, grabbing his arm and turning him around harshly. She grabbed his face with one hand and pulled him closer to her, "Speak when your spoken to, you useless piece of shit."

Wooyoung's head turned to the side as a sharp pain surged through his left cheek. His face held a look of shock as he went to touch his throbbing cheek.

He had just been slapped by his own mother.

He felt tears roll down his face from the physical and emotional pain he had just experienced. He slowly looked at his mother and all he saw was the look of hatred and anger in her eyes.

"I don't remember allowing your sorry excuse for a son back in my house!"

'This women is absolutely disgusting.'

Wooyoung grabbed his suitcase and looked the woman in her eyes, tears rapidly falling from his. "You'll never have to see me again... I promise."

He walked to the room door and stopped, turning to the woman one last time, "I hope you go to hell." He spat on the ground and left to the front door.


Wooyoung opened it and walked out the house for the last time. His dad was standing in the walkway, just arriving home from work. The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Wooyoung looked to the ground.

He uttered a goodbye and walked away. Wooyoung would miss his dad but couldn't stay with him as long as he was with that terrible excuse of a mother.

"I hope your happy Wooyoung.." His dad whispered to himself before going into the house to deal with his wife.

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