26 Couple

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It was Friday evening and Seonghwa and Xiumin were chilling out together at home. They had just ordered food and eaten so they were in a really comfortable state; Seonghwa laid back on the couch with Xiumin resting her head in his lap.

She lazily looked up at him. "We should do something tomorrow, Hwa. We haven't hung out in a while.." she turned her attention back to the tv, "You can't bring your boyfriend though."

"We're not dating," Seonghwa let out a yawn, "but fine."

"Not dating yet." Xiumin commented, earning herself a slap on the arm.


"Come on Xiumin!"

Xiumin quickly ran out of her room, almost bumping into Seonghwa who was waiting for her by the door.

"Are you ready now?" He asked while rolling his eyes.

She just ignored him and walked out the door, Seonghwa following behind her.

They soon arrived to Myeong-dong to go on a small shopping trip, a small one cause ya know... they're only in high school.

There was an outfit that immediately sparked Xiumin's curiosity when she saw it. She run over to it excitedly, dragging Seonghwa along.

She picked up the outfit held it up to her body before she noticed a matching version but for a guy.

She picked it up and slowly looked over to Seonghwa. She stared at him with an innocent look "Pleaseee??"

"Hell no."

She let out a sigh "Then you leave me no choice.."

Xiumin put the clothes back and held on to his arms and snuggled into his shoulder. She looked up to him and pouted while giving her best puppy eyes. "Please hwahwa? You're making me sadd.."

His face contorted as he tried hard to reject her. He sighed and gave up "Fine but you owe me."

Xiumin jumped up and down out of happiness after winning him over. She pushed him into a changing room and shoved the outfit into his chest before going and changing as well.

They came out together and looked at themselves in a mirror nearby.

"We look adorable! You should do this with Hongjoong!"

Seonghwa glared at her and went to say something before being cut off by familiar voice.

"What are you guys doing?"

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