27 Wink

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"Are the two of you dating?"

Hongjoong was shopping for himself when he came across Xiumin and Seonghwa wearing a couple outfit.

"I- We- No- I mean-" Seonghwa stammered, too flustered to speak properly.

Xiumin looked Seonghwa up and down before making a face of disgust. "You think I'd date someone like him?" She pointed between them, "He's like my sister."


"I said what I meant."

Hongjoong laughed at their banter. He let go of the breath that he didn't even realize he was holding and felt a wave of relief go over him.

"Anyways, can we change out of this now?" Seonghwa asked as he gave Xiumin a look.

She study his face confused by his look. Her mouth formed an 'o' as she finally understood. She nodded while smirking and walked to the change room. 'He wanted to change now that Hongjoong was there.'

Xiumin was about to step out of the changing room and go over to the boys but stopped herself. She saw two of them laughing together and Hongjoong slyly put his hand on Seonghwa's arm. 'This boy was really out here flirting.'

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I don't think I have anything planned.."

"Then we should hang out then."

Seonghwa looked over to the changing room for Xiumin before replying to Hongjoong. He saw her poking her head out, giving him a thumbs up and a teasing look. He was for sure going to hear about this later.


Hongjoong smiled brightly at his response. He took Seonghwa's hand and wrapped their pinkies around one another. "Now you can't back out. You've promised me."

Hongjoong hurriedly left with a stupid grin on his face. He gave Seonghwa a wink through the window of the store before running out of sight.

Seonghwa stared after him in a daze. Xiumin came up beside him and smirked.

"Your face is the same color as his hair; you guys really are meant to be, huh?"

Two Sides | Ateez SanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora