33 Apologize

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"Yunho knows everything.... about my family and I."

"How'd he find out? Who told him?" Seul asked as she started to get angry. Someone had to have been spreading rumors.

Orihime paused before answering Seul's question. "I did."

"Then what the hell is the problem?"

"He's been treating me differently. Always following me around, doing things for me when I could do it myself, being extra nice to me." Orihime spoke while balling her fist. "I feel like some type of charity case to him."

After what happened to her when she was younger, Orihime has always been someone one who likes to be independent. She hates it when people take pity of her. Taking care of herself was like a middle finger in her mothers face in her mind.

Seul stood up, boiling from anger. She marched into the school heading straight to the cafeteria. She walked up to Yunho who sat laughing with his friends.

She grabbed his shirt in her hands and pulled him up from his seat. "What do you think you're doing Jeong Yunho!" Seul raised her fist, ready to punch her.

Yunho squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the impact. When he felt nothing he slowly opened one of his eyes to see Yeosang holding Seul's wrist, the two of them staring intensely at each other.

Seul broke her gaze with him and looked around the table to see everyone staring at her, surprise and confused. She shook her hand out of Yeosang's grip and let go of Yunho's shirt.

"Seul.. what's going on??" Xiumin asked breaking the silence that lingered over the cafeteria. Almost all of the students were watching to see how all of this was going to play out.

Seul glanced at Yunho and told him to follow her with a wave of her hand. The two of them walked out with Xiumin following behind. They all went out back to where Seul and Orihime were previously sitting.

Orihime looked at Seul, shocked that she had went and brought Yunho to her.

"Apologize." Seul said seemingly bored as she lazily gestured to Orihime.

Yunho looked at her in confusion. She was angry just a few seconds ago, how did her mood change so quickly?

"Maybe you didn't hear me properly," She stepped closer to him, her anger slowly raising again, "apologize."

Yunho turned to Orihime and quickly bowed while yelling multiple 'sorry' to her. He didn't know what he was sorry for but he was intimated by Seul.

"Yunho you don't have to do this!" Orihime exclaimed, feeling flustered by the situation.

Seul rested her hand on his shoulder making him jump and cower in fear. "Stop."

Xiumin gently pushed Seul away from Yunho and stood in front of him. "Seriously guys, what's going on?"

"He's been bothering Orihime and he needed to apologize to her."

Xiumin and Yunho looked to Orihime. "Is that true?" Xiumin asked.

"Well um- I- It's just that-" Orihime fumbled over her words, not knowing how to explain things under the sudden pressure.

"Well?" Xiumin asked as she started to get annoyed with her stuttering.

Orihime spoke to Yunho, looking at the ground "It's just that, you've been treating me differently since I told you about my past." She looked up and into his eyes. "I hate it when people take pity of me."

Yunho frowned as realization hit him, "I'm sorry, I hadn't even realized I was doing that." He said genuinely.

Xiumin blinked in confusion, still not fully understanding what's going on. She looked to Seul for an explanation.

Seul turned around and walked toward the school, ignoring Xiumin's confused eyes "Okay, we're done here now."

Yunho and Orihime followed behind and left Xiumin standing there still confused. "Guys! What the hell just happened?!"


The four walked into the cafeteria and went over to the table with the others. Seul felt Yeosang's eyes trained on her as she sat down beside him.

He leaned over to her and whispered into her ear. "What was going on earlier?"

"It's nothing serious." She brushed him off.

Yeosang looked at her suspiciously but decided to drop it. "Okay but you can tell me if you ever need anything. I don't want you to get hurt, so let me fight for you."

Seul cringed and turned to him with a disgusted face. They looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Jongho asked, wanting to be included in the fun.

The two of them ignored him and continued laughing. "I hate you." Seul said to Yeosang as their laughter died down. "You're so corny."

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