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Xiumin stared blankly at her bedroom wall, fidgeting with the corner of her pillowcase; her fingers gliding across her lips every once in a while.

It had been three days since the kiss but she couldn't keep her mind off of it; her head almost hurting from the racing of her mind at every second she stopped to think. Usually things like this weren't that serious to Xiumin, but what was so different about this time? Maybe it's because Wooyoung is her best friend or because she hadn't kissed someone she actually cared for in a while.

But what really confused the girl was the guilty feeling residing in her heart. She couldn't help but feel guilty towards San. She constantly wondered how San would react if he found out. Would he be angry or even sad? So many scenarios danced around in her already clouded mind.

Why should she feel guilty though? It's not like the two were dating. Maybe it's because she was aware of his liking to her or maybe she had a liking towards him? Xiumin had so many questions but zero answers following them.

Seonghwa knocked on the door of the only bedroom in the apartment and waited for a response from the other side. Silence. His eyebrows knitted in confusion before he called out "Xiumin, are you in there?"

Upon not receiving an answer, Seonghwa began to worry about his 'little sister'. "I'm coming in."

The boy opened the door to see Xiumin sitting on her bed, in deep thought. He softly closed the door behind him, as Hongjoong was the living room, and sat on the edge of the bed. He knew by her expression that something was bothering her.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, the concern evident in his voice.

Xiumin's gaze moved from the wall to the blonde who sat in front of her. When the twos eyes met, she felt tears starting to form. Seonghwa lifted his hand and wiped the stray tear that rolled her cheek. With his other hand, he gave hers a squeeze.

This was enough to make the girl breakdown. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and stayed there sobbing into his shirt. Seonghwa frowned from her reaction, though he was used to her tears. Seonghwa proceeded to comfort her as she spewed all of her thoughts out into the air.

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