42 Ghost House

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Xiumin walked through the dark hallway cautiously, making sure to watch behind her for any possible scares. San tightly gripped onto her arm after the first few jumpscares; Wooyoung doing the same to him.

"I feel like we've been in for a hour.." San's voice shook as he spoke into the eerily quiet air.

"It's only been about a minute thirty."


Xiumin came to a stop as they rounded the corner. The room ahead was covered in dark red lights and a body laid still on the floor off to the side.

"What is it? What do you see?" Wooyoung asked with his eyes closed, too frightened to open them.

A mischievous smirk played upon the girls lips "Nothing. The room is just red."

Wooyoung slowly opened his eyes, not noticing the body. Xiumin continued to walk forward, readying herself for the jumpscare to come.

The body on the floor inched closer to the three, unbeknownst to the boys. Wooyoung felt something grab his ankle, making him freeze. He slowly looked down hoping that it was all just his imagination. He then let out the highest pitch scream that he had ever been able to achieve in his life. San, in response, screamed at the top of his lungs. Xiumin jumped with wide eyes, placing her hand over her heart.

Wooyoung frantically wiggled his ankle away and ran away at top speed with San. Xiumin watched after them in disbelief. "Did they seriously just leave me to die? Wow. Such great friends I have..."

San and Wooyoung stood at the end of the 'Ghost House', leaning on each other, panting, trying to catch their breaths.

"You guys got out quick." Seonghwa said licking a popsicle he was sharing with Jongho.

"We.. ran. for... our.. lives...." San explained between breaths.

Seonghwa's face went blank. "Yeah and y'all just left Xiumin behind." He deadpanned.

San and Wooyoung looked at each other with wide eyes. Wooyoung stood up straight and stretched "Welp. Oopsie doopsie."

San looked over to the exit, not seeing the door open. Maybe she wasn't coming. Maybe she got lost or she was mad at them. Who knows. He gulped and walked up to the door, his hand shaking as he reached for the handle.

He went in and looked around, quickly regretting his decision to go back in.

"Xiumin?" He called quietly. A lack of response prompted him to call out again. A bit louder.

He heard the sound of girl scream, making him go into protect mode as he assumed it to be Xiumin. San ran around in search for her as she frantically ran in fear. The two bumped into each other, Xiumin stumbling from the impact.

San looked at her smiling as he had found her, but soon started to frown as he saw Xiumin on the brink of tears. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?"

Xiumin looked to the ground before burying her face into the crook of his neck, her hands gripping onto the back of his shirt. San patted her head trying to cheer her up.

"I saw a spider..."

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