15 Woods

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Xiumin and Wooyoung were hanging at a ice cream palor after school. They had performed their choreography earlier in class and got an A. Xiumin decided to buy ice cream for the both of them as celebration.

Wooyoung finished his ice cream and looked to Xiumin "Are you doing anything else today?"

Xiumin shook her head no while finishing her last bit of ice cream.

"Good!" Wooyoung stood up and grabbed her hand, dragging her to god knows where.

"Where the hell are you taking me?" she asked as the two were on a bus.

Wooyoung put his finger against her lip and shushed her "Don't ask questions."

Xiumin gave him a look before turning her attention to the scenery outside the window. Wooyoung tapped her arm and offered her one of his ear buds.

The two rode for a half hour in a comfortable silence, listening to music together before Wooyoung pulled the request cord, making the bus come to a stop.

They stepped out of the bus and Xiumin looked around. All she could see in front of her was trees. Wooyoung started walking towards the woods, leaving a confused Xiumin standing there.

He turned around to her, "Aren't you coming?"

They both walked for a few minutes before Xiumin started to get cautious.



"Did you bring me out here to kill me? You do realize that I know multiple forms of martial arts right?"

Wooyoung simply laughed off her comments and continued walking.

Xiumin halted her steps and gasped dramatically, "You aren't in some cult are you!?" She grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "Whatever they tell you, don't believe them! They're all bat-shit crazy and power hungry!"

He laughed at her, grabbing her hand once again and pulled her with him, "There's nothing going on, I just want to show you something important to me."

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