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Seul and Yeosang walked together after school, an easy-going, comfortable conversation between them.

As they went to walk pass a Korean BBQ, Yeosang stopped, grinning at Seul. "What?" She asked as she looked at him quizzically, "Why'd you stop?"

Yeosang nudged his head in the direction of the eatery, beckoning her over with his hand "I'm sure your hungry; let's go in."

"Where exactly are you getting the money for this? BBQ is expensive."

"From my brother. He gave it to me as hush money after I caught him trying to sneak out at night."

"And you just wanna spend it all now?" Seul gave him a look, judging him.

"Well I'm spending it on you, so be happy." He retorted as he started to enter, Seul rolling her eyes but following along.


The two were sat, Seul already starting to eat as Yeosang grilled the meat.

"If you keep eating the meat as I cook it, there'll be none left for me." Yeosang scolded as he gave her a glare.

"You did say that you were spending this money on me, didn't you?" Seul said with a blank face, testing him with her words but setting her chopsticks down.

Yeosang smiled victoriously, going back to grilling. As he took a piece of meat of the grill, he grinned mischievously, slowly looking up to Seul.

"Feed me." He said simply, opening his mouth. Sure this was hella cheesy but he always found fun in teaseing Seul.

She made a face of digust at him "You have hands; feed yourself."

The boy just smirked at her "Feed me or I won't grill anything else. You know that you can't cook for shit."

Seul glared at him as she picked up her chopsticks, placing the piece of meat in his mouth with a grim look. Yeosang chewed happily, his grin remaining on his face.

"That wasn't that hard, now was it?"


Yeosang walked the girl home as it had gotten dark out. The two stepped up onto the front porch of the Qian family.

Seul turned to him, expressionless "Thanks for the food.  It was good."

Despite her lack of enthusiasm and monotone voice, Yeosang could tell she was being sincere. He always had a knack for reading her like that.

"So.." he started, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly "I've been thinking.. about us."

Seul held in her sigh as she had a feeling where this was going to go. "Yeosa-"

"I like you Seul." He said rushing it out before she could stop him. He had been wanting to tell her for a while now but was too shy and just never knew when the right time was.

Seul let out her sigh, looking the boy straight on "Yeosang. We've only just become friends again a few months ago. We should wait a little, don't you think?"

Yeosang nodded his head understanding, not being able to look at her as his disappointment set in. Seul turned to the front door, unlocking it and stepped in, closing the door behind her.

Yeosang ran his hand through his hair and looked up to the sky before turning to leave. As he took a step, he heard the front door open, stopping him and grabbing his attention.

Seul walked up to him gave a soft kiss on the cheek, hers turning a light shade of pink "I like you too." She whispered out.

The boys' lips held a small smile as he looked to her shy figure "Aren't you being too cruel, Qian Seul?"

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