40 Sexy?

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"Sooooo... what should we do today."

"Well we should do something chill, so we could get to know each other."

"Yeah, I mean, some of just met last night, but we were all too drunk to care."

After Xiumin and San were done with their little 'moment', everyone gathered in the living room to discuss what to do since they had the whole day without school. Jongho and Yeosang had only just met Mingi, San and Wooyoung the night before so they were all a little awkward with each other.

Orihime suddenly clapped with a smile covering her face. "I know what we should do!"


"A dog café that was your big plan?" Seul asked sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.

Yeosang put his arm around her shoulder "Aw, don't be so hard on her." He looked over to the frowning Orihime, "I think this is a good idea."

Orihime beamed at his reassurance and grabbed the nearest people to her, excitedly dragging them in. Seul shrugged the boy's arm off of her shoulder and lazily walked into the café.

Jongho patted Yeosang's back as he walked past him "She'll come around one day."


Wooyoung sat at a table sipping on a iced tea while patting a small dog that had decided to rest in his lap.

"Wooyoung, look!"

He looked over to Xiumin, who had just called him. She turned around with a huge smile on her face, her eyes seemingly disappearing. She walked over to him with a puppy in her arms.

She held the dog up so Wooyoung could see. "Isn't he cute? His name is Galaxy and he's a Welsh Corgi. I wanna call him Wooyoung though because he looks like you." She rambled excitedly to her friend.

Wooyoung laughed at her. He loved how adorable she seemed in that moment. "We look similar? Isn't he too cute? Aren't I sexy, Xiumin?" He asked as he showed off his jawline.

"Ooh, are you trying to seduce me Jung Wooyoung?"

"Maybe.." he leaned closer to her with a smirk, "Is it working?"

"Maybe.." Xiumin responded, mimicking him.

Wooyoung went to say something but was startled when a big dog came running straight at him. He let out a loud shriek while Xiumin jumped in surprise with wide eyes.

The dog ran back to where it came from. Xiumin watched as San was patting it while feeding it treats.

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