23 Bracelet

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Seonghwa took a seat at his desk and was immediately greeted by Hongjoong.

"Good morning Seonghwa!"


He turned around to see Seul laying her head on her arms while listening to music. Seonghwa moved his hand to take one of her earbuds out before he was stopped by her swiftly grabbing his wrist.

"Don't you dare." She said before closing her eyes to take a nap.

He rolled his eyes and proceeded to continue with his previous movement. "No sleeping during school hours."

Seul slowly rose her head and glared at him. She stood up, ready to strangle him for messing with her sleep.

Hongjoong placed his hand on her shoulder and laughed. "There's also no killing other students on school grounds."

Seul turned her glare to him before sitting down and going back to sleep.

Hongjoong sat back down and opened his lyric journal and scribbled random words out of boredom. Seonghwa leaned over his shoulder out of curiosity.

"What are you doing?"

The smaller boy jumped in surprise and quickly closed his journal. "I wasn't doing anything!"

"Yes you were. I was literally watching you."

Hongjoong let out a small sigh as he caved and told Seonghwa about it. He knew he could never lie to Seonghwa.

"You write songs? That's so cool." Seonghwa said, offering Hongjoong a small smile. "Can you show me some at lunch?"

Hongjoong returned the smile, but it soon fell as he remembered something, "I have a meeting with the student council during lunch..."

"Oh. That's okay, you can show me another time."

Hongjoong nodded sadly before feeling something fall out his pocket. Seonghwa bent down to pick it up before Hongjoong could stop him.

Seonghwa held a bracket in his hand as he looked over to his blushing friend. "Did you make this?"

"I reformed it." Hongjoong answered with his head hanging in embarrassment, "It's for you..."

Seonghwa smiled widely as he looked at the bracelet and put it on, "Thanks!" He said as he took note of a similar bracelet around Hongjoong's wrist.

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