41 Lotte

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Another two months has gone by steadily.

Everyone has gotten well acquainted with each other and are quite close.

Since it was spring break, they made sure to spend their time to the fullest. The eleven teens decided that today they were going to hang out at Lotte World; they're favorite place to go.

They rode a bunch of rides, stopping to get snacks every once in a while, and had a great time together. Yeosang and Seul walked calming together, laughing at something one of them said every few minutes. Mingi, Orihime, Yunho and Jongho chased each other around which stressed Seonghwa and Hongjoong as they tried to keep watch of them.

Xiumin watched the others having fun with a smile on her face; San and Wooyoung on either side of her. She suddenly halted in her steps as she fixated her sight on something.

"Guys!" She yelled out as she ran over to it.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked toward her; deciding to follow behind. They met up with her and looked up to a sign overhead.

"Ghost House...?" Jongho read out. They had never seen it before and figured it was a new attraction.

"I wanna go inside," Xiumin watched as three people were let in, breaking up with the other two people in their group "I think they only let at most a group of three in at a time.."

Xiumin's gaze turned to San. He immediately shook his head "Hel-" he was interrupted by the sound of a high pitched scream, making his eyes widen "As I was saying, HELL NO."

Xiumin pouted before turning to Wooyoung "You'll come with me, won't you?"

"Umm I.." he stuttered in fear. "Of course I will. I wouldn't leave you alone!" He said, puffing out his chest in false confidence.

"I changed my mind! I'll come with you guys!"

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