37 Getaway

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Xiumin, Wooyoung, and Mingi pushed through the crowd of frantic drunk people in search of their friend.

The cops had showed up to the house party after getting noise complaints from neighbors. They had to make a run for it before they got caught, but they couldn't just leave San behind.

"Guys! He's over there!" Mingi yelled as he pointed at San.

He stood, amidst the chaos, with a girl. They were kissing; his hands gripping her hips, hers tugging at the buttons of his shirt.

The three quickly went up to him. Wooyoung grabbed his arm, pulling him away from the girl "Sorry but we need him more than you do!"

"Where are we going?" San drunkenly asked with a hiccup as they all ran to the back door.

"Seonghwa said he was waiting for us a street over." Xiumin informed everyone, ignoring San's question.

"Why are we running?"

"The police are here you fool!" Wooyoung yelled in response.


The four of them had reached Seonghwa's car and hurriedly got in. They all put on their seat belts as Seonghwa sped off into the hectic night.

Xiumin looked to the passengers seat to see Hongjoong casually scrolling through his phone. "Is he drunk, too?"

"As a matter of fact, I am not." Hongjoong said as he sharply turned to glare at her. "I've only had a couple of beers."

Xiumin put up her hands in defense "Okay then.. Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" She said, whispering the last part.

San covered his mouth as he yawned. He looked at Xiumin and stared at her for a few seconds.

Xiumin gave him a weird look. "What?"

He stayed silent for a few seconds. He then placed his hand against her face and pulled at her cheek. "Have you always looked so adorable?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

Xiumin looked down as she pulled some stray hairs behind her ear; her way of blushing. She quickly pushed his hand away and rolled her eyes "You're drunk, shut up."

"Maybe but I'm serious. You-"

"So, where are we going exactly?" Wooyoung spoke, interrupting San.

"Our place." Seonghwa answered simply.

"Whose 'our'?" Mingi asked, confused.

"Xiumin and I."


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