Green Wedding

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People sat in a chapel with the Hulk at the altar waiting for his bride... Bruce wore a costumized suit and tie for the wedding; he was grinning from ear to ear.

Bruce was beyond ecstatic, as he stood there he realized how happy he was and slowly his skin grew paler til it's almost back to Bruce Banner color. Then he started to transform back to his human self.

As soon as the doors open, everyone gasped, as Betty walked down the aisle.

Betty's dress:

Peter was of course in charge of the pictures and Anya, with the story

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Peter was of course in charge of the pictures and Anya, with the story.

The person officiating the wedding is Nick.

"Okay!" Peter calls out, "The bridesmaids with the lovely couple. Anya put the pen and pad down... and get in the picture."

Anya tucked the pen on her ear and stood beside Louna.

Lila, Cassie, Kelly, Louna, Anya, Mary, Morgan, and Sophia's dresses:

Anya's eyes travelled to Lila's left ring finger and there it was a ring

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Anya's eyes travelled to Lila's left ring finger and there it was a ring.

"Smile!" Peter stated.

Anya did then after the camera flashed, and Peter yelled for the groomsmen.

Michelle takes over the camera, as Peter, Cooper, and Nathan joined the picture.

During the reception, Anya pulled Lila aside and smiled, "So... are you ever gonna talk about it?"

"What are you, girls, doing here?" Bruce asked as he walked in the kitchen.

Lila turns, "She knows..."

Anya gasped, "You know?!"

Bruce smirks, "Anya, you guys, tell me everything... even if I don't want to. Let's go..."

Anya held the counter, closed her eyes, and counted, "1...2...3...4...5..." Anya then looks up.

"You good?" Bruce questioned.

"Yeah, just the heavy feeling of betrayal in my heart... but I'd be okay..."

"You sure?" Lila asked. "Can you still do your speech?"

Anya walks towards her seat and grabs the glass; and tapped it, signalling the speech was to begin. "Attention! Attention! Everybody! Speech time!"

Tony was the first one to give a speech, "Hi for those of you who don't know, I am Iron Man. Bruce is not just my teammate, he's one of the honorary uncles of my four children. My science bro has finally found his Science Lady and all I can say is Congrats and if you need a babysitter, Morgan is just a call away."

As the whole team finished giving their speeches, Anya looks down at her phone. "Now, it's the speech," Peter sighs, "Ms. Anya Rogers!"

"Um..." Anya held the microphone, "I'm not one for lovey dovey speeches, nor do I believe in fairy tales, I'm the type to criticize. I'm very sarcastic, though, this is neither the time nor the place for my sarcasm... in that case, Uncle Bruce is number 2, in our speeddials. We trust him with our lives; he might be the Hulk, a big scary green monster, but he's the sweetest uncle and we- the A-Team - are happy he finally refound the person for him... Aunt Betty?" Betty looks at Anya shocked, "Welcome to the family... let's hear it for the bride and groom!" Anya sat down.

Betty smiles.

Dancing, laughing, chatting, eating, and drinking it all happened like in any normal weddings. The music stops and Pepper announced that it was bouquet catching time.

Anya stood in the very back as the bouquet was tossed every women in front of her jumped up in the hopes of catching it, but to her dismay, the bouquet fell right in Anya's arms. Anya shook her head and tossed it back again.

This time Mary caught it, she turns to her girlfriend of four months and smiled, "I love you." it was the first time the young doctor said it to her girlfriend, Samantha Lee Gibbons.

Samantha smiled and kissed Mary whispering, "I love you."

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