Where the Hell were you?!

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"Where the hell were you?!" Natasha demanded as the four appeared at the center of the circle.

Anya laughs, "You have no idea, how accurate your question is."

"What?" Steve asked.

Anya looks at Thor and Loki, "We saw your sister."

"You were in Valhalla?" Loki's eyes widened in shock.

"We were in hell." Louna explains, "Well, versions of hell... I was in Valhalla, Anya was in-"

"Вырий." Anya sighs, "Mary was in hell, Hell."

"Why weren't you in hell?" Kelly questions.

Anya thought about it, "It's prolly because I'm half..."

"Still," Louna sighs, "you should've been with them, since you have the same faith as Mary and Kelly."

Anya touched her pendant, "Could it have something to do with this? I mean your aunt looked at this when she said I would struggle in that place..." Anya shook her head, "Either way I need to go to church."

"What?!" Pepper looked at Anya shock.

"Right behind you!" Louna smiled.

"Of course," Thor nods, "Anya and Louna's first stop after hell is church, make sense."

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